
Steve O'Dell: No Regrets

Season 1 Episode 13


Steve grew up in Rochester, New York as the youngest of five boys. At the tender age of 12, he met a 6’4 inch 14 year old Robbie Page (who also had a 4 inch blonde afro). After overcoming their awkward high school years, the pair escaped the arctic tundra of the North East and moved to sunny Los Angeles to play volleyball for UCLA.

While at UCLA, he studied History, built companies (good and bad), and made lots of friends. But, after three years, the college life no longer made sense, so he dropped out and started Tenzo Tea with now 7’1 inch, Robbie Page.

Steve loves reading, writing, and learning. Some of his favorite books are: Ender’s Game, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Alchemist and Walden. He keeps a personal blog on entrepreneurship and actively writes about healthy living, business, and leadership on publications across the internet.

When he’s not tied down building Tenzo, you can find Steve reading a good book, practicing yoga, or taking Tenzo Matcha Shots at the Office.

His Favorite way to drink Matcha: a thick shot (called a koicha).