Living Arts of Tulsa Podcast

A Deep Conversation With Christina Henley, Co-Curator of The Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Project Exhibit At Living Arts

Tulsa Podcast Lab


Jeff sits down with Christina Henley, co-curator of the The Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Exhibit at Living Arts to hear about what this experience has meant to her at a deeper level, about her perspective on the impact of this exhibit on people who have interacted with it, and her thoughts on how this has been a "mind altering" experience for her and for many others.

Artist Statement-
Creating is a sensory experience for me in process and execution. I think about the materials I use. How they feel to the touch, the texture I want to show and convey. Choosing colors that are striking, bold, unusual and jarring, and the emotions I want to evoke to myself and the viewer. Sometimes, I'll include three dimensional elements to push the piece even further into the sensory experience. I want the viewer to feel what I feel by what they see, while also forming their own interpretation or idea of what they are looking at. I don't want to conform and I think my artwork expresses that.