The Law in Lockdown and Beyond, with Hannah Beko

Friday Conversation with Steve Lawlor, Mental Health Lawyer and MD of Lawlor's Law Limited

October 08, 2021 Hannah Beko

In this episode of Friday Conversations, I had a great conversation with Steve about what a Mental Health lawyer is and the sorts of work he gets involved with. 

I asked Steve to tell us how he "decompresses" after a day dealing with very challenging work.  He shared the importance of creating space away from work and having strong boundaries around work time and home time. 

Steve also told us a little about his journey in starting his own business Lawlor's Law Limited. 

He is also the host of the Legal Wolf Podcast talking about the stigma around mental health and how to challenge it.   

About your host, Hannah Beko

Podcast host Hannah Beko is a self-employed lawyer, coach and creator of the Lawyers Business Mastermind™ (the place for entrepreneurial lawyers to grow).

Hannah has also created the Build Your Legal Business Podcast which you can find under the Resources section of and on all usual podcast channels.

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