Lifting Her Voice

A Special Announcement!

Joy Miller Season 2

Hey, Bible Readers!  I have a special announcement!  I wanted to let you know that I’m REALLY excited about some great new additions we’re making for you!


Bible Study Resources

·        The Bible Project’s Bible BasicsFree!

Other Resources

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Hey, Bible Readers!  Nope, I’m not reading Scripture right now.  But I did want to let you know that I’m REALLY excited about some great new additions we’re making for you. 

First, you’ll want to get right over to Lifting Her and get registered with your email.  This way, you’ll receive my new monthly newsletter.  In the newsletter, we’ll be able to dig a little deeper on some topics, share resources, pray, and I may even include some articles and comments from you!  

I'll also be using the email list to let you know about special podcasts and maybe even some interviews.

The next big change is a brand new Facebook page for Lifting Her Voice!  Yes, for a year now you’ve been going to my personal page to get the podcast.  And I would still LOVE to hear from you on my personal page.  But Lifting Her Voice deserves its own page, don’t you think? 
We'll start posting on the new Facebook page next week when we start the book of Deuteronomy.  That seems like a clean break, don’t you think?

So don’t forget to look for that new Facebook page.  And don’t forget to go to and register your email!  Do it now so you won't miss a thing!