Second Half of Life Podcast

Answering Submitted Questions About Estate Planning

June 09, 2022 Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 3 Episode 10

In this podcast episode, Attorney Megan Ingram and Long-Term Care Planner Tammy Zilske answer some questions that recent seminar attendees asked during the seminar. Among them are:

- Differences between a healthcare Power of Attorney and a living will
- Briefly explaining the five-year lookback as it relates to applying for Medicaid to pay for long-term care
- The "four D's" as they relate to gifting
- Differences in IRS gifting guidelines and Medicaid gifting rules
- The filial support law
- How often should legal documents be reviewed
- Who should have copies of your living will
- Where to keep legal documents
- What is the "pink sheet" and a POLST
- What is your parents refuse to make a Power of Attorney