Second Half of Life Podcast

The Financial Cost of Caregiving (via The Caregiver Community Podcast)

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 24

There are lots of options for the long-term care for a loved one (or ourselves), whether additional services are brought into the home or the loved one moves into a congregant living community such as a continuous care retirement center (CCRC), skilled care, or memory care facility. However, the costs associated with each level of long-term care can be alarming, and raise all sorts of questions. In this episode, Attorney Jenna Franks, Long-Term Care Planner Kristin Daugherty, and Specialized Care Planner Holly Reigh join Frances S. Hall, the founder and Executive Director of Adult Children of Aging Parents (ACAP), to discuss various care options and strategies for paying for ongoing care.

This episode was originally distributed on The Caregiver Community podcast, and was produced by ACAP, and is being shared on the Second Half of Life podcast with the permission of ACAP.

To learn more about ACAP, you can subscribe to its podcast using the link above, or visit its podcast page on its website.

Jenna and Holly are both on the leadership team for the State College ACAP chapter. For more information on the Centre County, PA chapter visit its website