Second Half of Life Podcast

Breaking Down the Estate Administration Process

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 34

You've probably seen a TV show or movie where the plot, especially at the end of the show or movie, consists of a well-dressed attorney showing up to someone's front door to let a main character know that someone else passed away and they were a beneficiary of the decedent's estate and then hand over a check for a large sum of money. Or, the reading of a Will at an attorney's office after someone has passed is another popular feature of similar fictional plots. Do either of these happen in real life?

Generally, the answer is no. So, how does the estate administration process work? If you're a beneficiary, when can you expect to receive your inheritance? In reality, the estate administration process can take a while - much longer than most TV show or movie plots allow. In this podcast episode, Attorney Brittany Smith talks with the firm's marketing and business development director Matt Beltz about how things actually work in a real life estate administration process.

A previous podcast episode on having difficult estate-planning related conversations with family members was referenced at the end of this episode. Here is the link to that episode.

Additionally, here's a link to register for the upcoming free virtual seminar being given by Attorney Smith on July 8 on the similar topic of estate administration that was also referenced at the end of this episode.