Second Half of Life Podcast

How to Craft an Effective Estate Plan Without Starring in Family Feud

August 05, 2021 Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 41

Just like the classic game show, we took a poll on how best to avoid family feuds. The top survey answers are on the board, and they all indicate peace of mind comes from properly planning ahead. In this episode, Attorney Megan Ingram-French and Long-Term Care Planner Kristin Daugherty will help get your family to the "fast money" bonus round and help you discover things like why it is important to name more than one agent on your Power of Attorney, legal documents that are critical, how you ensure your children are taken care of after you pass, asset protection strategies to keep your home safe from creditors, why a trust might make sense for your family, and more.

This is an audio recording of a virtual seminar originally presented on June 23, 2021. To see a video of this presentation,  complete with PowerPoint slides, visit our YouTube channel