Second Half of Life Podcast

A Loved One Needs Nursing Home Care Now. What do I do?

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 40

This episode is a rebroadcast of a show that aired as part of Elder Care Radio on WRSC 1390 AM in State College during 2020-21. It was produced by Forever Media. In this episode, Attorney Jenna Franks and Long-Term Planner Kristin Daugherty discuss what needs to be done, if it hasn't already, if and when someone has an unexpected medical emergency that results in a need for nursing home care or some other type of assisted living, including in-home care. This type of care can be expensive, and without proper planning, either in advance (ideally) or in a crisis type of situation, it can quickly exhaust whatever assets and financial savings that person and his/her family may have. 

If you know someone in this situation or would like to avoid a crisis should it ever happen to you or a loved one, this is the perfect episode for you.