Second Half of Life Podcast

Why Having an Estate Plan is Important

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 43

"I don't need to worry about having estate planning documents. When I pass I'm fine with whatever the default arrangements are for my estate." 

If this statement describes how you or someone you know thinks about estate planning, you might want to think again. Did you know that if you pass away without a will, it isn't your spouse that necessarily receives your entire estate? There can also be unnecessary inheritance tax  consequences if you allow Pennsylvania's default estate plan to take effect for your estate. In this short podcast episode, Attorney Jenna Franks explains exactly what happens in Pennsylvania if you pass away without a will and proper estate planning documents. 

Make sure your estate goes to where you want it, and not where Pennsylvania dictates. Give us a call at 1-800-351-8334 and as long as you live in PA, we'll get you started with a basic estate plan.