Second Half of Life Podcast

What Happens if I Don't Protect My Assets, But Then Need Long-Term Care?

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 44

What are the consequences of not doing any estate planning? Well, you can roll the dice and maybe you won't have any problems. But with an average of 1 in 5 adults needing some type of long-term care in their lives, why tempt fate? Basically, if you require long-term  care, whether it's in a nursing home or even some type of in-home care, and you haven't done good estate planning, things could get very dismal, and your assets could disappear in a relatively short time frame. 

In this podcast episode, Long-Term Care Planner Kristin Daugherty talks about what can happen if you wait until you need long-term care to do your estate planning.