Second Half of Life Podcast

Digging Deeper into Dementia Without Needing a Medical Degree

Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak Season 2 Episode 52

In this episode, learn valuable tips and resources for coping with the devastating effects of dementia. This is an audio recording of a virtual seminar originally presented on September 29, 2021. in it, Attorney Jenna Franks, Long-Term Care Planner Kristin Daugherty and Specialized Care Planner Holly Reigh introduce a plethora of pointers to your most urgent questions and concerns about dementia. These include, but aren't limited to the importance of early and accurate diagnosis, care options and how to pay for care, how to protect your home and other assets from having to be used to pay for the cost of care, the right (and wrong) way to prevent spousal impoverishment, and emotional and psychological support services.

If you are interested in the Alzheimer's and Dementia support group that was referenced in this presentation, please email for more information.

The free strategy sessions are always available, and can be scheduled by calling 1-800-351-8334 or online at