Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle

Counter Productivity

June 10, 2020 Shira & Arielle

Hey, Counties!

We hope you’re healthy, safe, and engaged with our national conversation on police brutality and racism.

As always, each episode of Counter Programming will focus on a "counter" of some sort. Today, we learn about counterproductivity. 

We start off this episode by sharing some resources for being an ally to the Black community at this time. 

  • If you are a white person trying to learn more about Black Lives Matter, follow WP4BL on instagram. check out your local chapter of Black Lives Matter.
  • If you hear chants of “defund the police,” or “abolish the police” and want to understand more about what that would mean, two podcast recommendations for you: 
  • Follow Counter Propaganda on Instagram. Their mission is “reclaim the narrative.” They feature a person of color each day and tell their story.  We’re partial to it because it has “counter” in the title. 
  • If you’re looking for a little more context into how police forces came about, and spoiler alert, they've always been racist and were founded on principles of white supremacy, another podcast recommendation:

Thank you to Ari Moskowitz for lending your voice for the intro section of the episode! You can do the same. Record a voice note saying, "Hi, i'm (your name), and you're listening to Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle." Then send it to us!

You can reach us by email: 

You can also reach us on Instagram @counterprogrammingpod.

How to beat counter productivity:

  • Start your day with structured “me time” to go through emails and social media from the night before
  • Reduce meeting times by 25% 
  • Schedule breaks into your day 
  • Turn off pop up notifications 
  • Hop on the phone (or slack) instead of emailing 
  • Chop up big problems into smaller tasks 
  • Use checklists 

Learn more about counter productivity in this episode!

Thanks for tuning in! Leave us a review on Apple or a comment on Castbox.

Tweet at us. Here’s Shira. Here’s Arielle.

At the top of the show, we told you about The Jordan Harbinger Show. Find it and listen here.

Buzzsprout, y'all, the best podcast host in the game. 

Thank you to Daniel Tureck, our engineer.

Thank you to Caio Slikta, our logo designer.

Our music is called Tennessee Hayride and it’s by Jason Shaw.