Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle

People Counters AKA The Census w/ Census Expert D'Vera Cohn

Shira & Arielle

Hey, Counties!

We hope you’re healthy, safe, and engaged with our national conversation on police brutality and racism.

As always, each episode of Counter Programming will focus on a "counter" of some sort. Today, we learn about people counters, AKA the census!

In this episode, we discuss the important to filling out the 2020 census! You can do it right here. It only takes 10 minutes and it helps your community immensely.

We also interview census expert, D'Vera Cohn. D’Vera Cohn is a senior writer and editor at Pew Research Center. She studies and writes about demographics in the United States, especially the census. Cohn was a Washington Post reporter for 21 years, mainly writing about demographics, and was the newspaper’s lead reporter for the 2000 census. Before joining Pew Research Center, she served as a consultant and freelance writer for the Brookings Institution and Population Reference Bureau. Cohn is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and is a former Nieman Fellow. She is an author of studies on the marriage and birth rates in the United States, migration between the U.S. and Mexico, and U.S. population projections. Cohn manages Pew Research Center’s @allthingscensus Twitter account. She has spoken at national journalism conferences about how reporters can make use of demographic data in stories and often talks about the Center’s findings in print and broadcast media.

Here's the article we referenced in the interview:

Here's the Sesame Street video we played:

Thank you to Zari for lending your voice for the intro section of the episode! You can do the same. Record a voice note saying, "Hi, i'm (your name), and you're listening to Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle." Then send it to us!

You can reach us by email: 

You can also reach us on Instagram @counterprogrammingpod.

NEXT EPISODE: It's 5:00 somewhere and we're making a Negroni. Learn about how this cocktail relates to "counter" programming.

Thanks for tuning in! Leave us a review on Apple or a comment on Castbox.

Tweet at us. Here’s Shira. Here’s Arielle.

Today's ad comes from the Super Politics Podcast. Listen here.

Buzzsprout, y'all, the best podcast host in the game. 

Thank you to Daniel Tureck, our engineer.

Thank you to Caio Slikta, our logo designer.

Our music is called Tennessee Hayride and it’s by Jason Shaw.