Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle

I'll Have a (Count) Negroni!

Shira & Arielle

Hey, Counties!

Each episode of Counter Programming will focus on a "counter" of some sort. Today, we learn about Count Negroni.

Thank you to Dawn for lending your voice for the intro section of the episode! You can do the same. Record a voice note saying, "Hi, i'm (your name), and you're listening to Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle." Then send it to us!

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Negroni facts:

  • A Negroni is a cocktail made of equal parts vermouth, gin, and campari.
  • The Negroni was created at Cafe Casoni in 1919 in Florence, Italy 
  • Count Camillo Negroni was friends with the bartender Forsco Scarselli and he asked him to make him his normal drink but a bit stiffer 
  • His normal drink was an Americano (which has sweet vermouth, campari, and club soda with a lemon garnish) 
  • So the bartender replaced the club soda in his Americano with Gin...and the Negroni was born
  • The drink became popular around Italy 
  • And Count Negroni even started his own distillery that bottled Negronis (and is still open today) 

Video inspiration for this episode

There is some controversy regarding which "Count" "Negroni" is the inventor of The Negroni. More information here. Some believe it was Camillo Negroni, some believe it was Pascal Olivier de Negroni. The debate continues!

NEXT EPISODE: we'll be covering COUNT OLAF!

Thanks for tuning in! Leave us a review on Apple or a comment on Castbox.

Tweet at us. Here’s Shira. Here’s Arielle.

Buzzsprout, y'all, the best podcast host in the game. 

Thank you to Daniel Tureck, our engineer.

Thank you to Caio Slikta, our logo designer.

Our music is called Tennessee Hayride and it’s by Jason Shaw.