Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle

It's the Great County Community Counting Episode

Shira & Arielle

Counties! Here we go.

Each week at Counter Programming with Shira & Arielle, we bring you stories on anything "count" or "counter" related. We are your COVID-19 distraction-cast, offering you counter programming to all of the bad news hubbub -- get it... counter programming!?

This week: It's The Great County Community Counting Episode. Usually, Shira & Arielle focus on a specific topic that contains the word "count" or "counter." Today's episode is a joint effort. We asked and we received! Counter Programming listeners from around the world (we call 'em Counties) sent in their voice clips -- stories, tales, thoughts on anything to do with counting. We had a blast listening and we can't wait for you to tune in.

Thank you to everyone who sent in a story:

If you are wondering where your invite was to send in a story -- that means you missed our Instagram posts inviting you to do so! Make sure to follow us there at counterprogrammingpod.

This week's episode intro came to us from Remy! Thanks, Remy. You can be famous like Remy. Just sent a voice clip to us telling us your name and where you're listening to the show from. Then, email it to us at

Buzzsprout, y'all, the best podcast host in the game. 

Thank you to Daniel Tureck, our engineer. Thank you to Caio Slikta, our logo designer. Our music is called Tennessee Hayride and it’s by Jason Shaw.