KAC Podcast

The Difference Jesus Makes - Norm McCallum

Kamloops Alliance Church Season 4 Episode 1

We are so excited to launch Season 4! This season will be a 5-week series packed with great conversations surrounding Indigenous Ministry, including "loving across cultures" and "bridging cultural gaps".  

This week we are thrilled to introduce Elder, Norm McCallum to you. Norm is an Elder with the Woodland Cree Nation. Norm met Jesus dramatically in the 1980's, when Jesus healed him from addiction. Norm has been following Jesus ever since, making Him known and serving His people, Indigenous people. 

Norm has been hired in this season as KAC's Indigenous Consultant, and has been helping us through education, and understanding his people. This is a great conversation where you get the inside scoop about our Indigenous Consultant, and what he and Chris are thinking, praying, and hoping for as we move forward.

In this episode, Norm and Chris talk about the difference Jesus makes. They journey through Norm's story, his calling, and his hope for what God can do in and through KAC to serve, befriend, and minister to and with Indigenous people.