Sense-Making in a Changing World

Climate Conversations 4: Gender Day from the Blue Room at COP26 - Morag Gamble talks with May East

Morag Gamble: Permaculture Education Institute Season 3 Episode 4

 Welcome to this special  series of climate conversations  recorded during COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow , November 2021.

In November, while the global climate conference (COP26) was taking place I recorded a series of conversations.  I did wish I could have been there to be part of this global connection of movements and activism happening around the meeting of world leaders who are putting their plans on the table to limit climate change to below 1.5.  Disappointingly, the Australian PM embarrassed himself with putting fossil fuels ahead of the planet. I decided it didn't make sense for me to fly there, but I still wanted to know what was going on, and share this with you, so each couple of days I checked in with friends who were there.

In this video, I am talking with May East live from the Blue Room at COP26 in Glasgow as Little Amal has entered - the giant puppet of a 10yo Syrian refugee girl who has walked 8000kms to reach the event visiting so many communities along the way, and the Pope.

It is Gender day at COP26 and May shares a little about the conversations that are taking place around this.

Unfortunately, her connection dropped out after 5 minutes

May is a UNITAR Fellow, sustainability educator, spatial planner, and social innovator. Her work spans the fields of ‘artivism’, urban ecology, and women’s studies. 

She has been designated one of the 100 Global SustainAbility Leaders three years in a row, she leads a whole generation of regenerative educators and practitioners in 55 countries working with community-based organisations and intergovernmental agencies in the development of policy guidance and projects strengthening climate resilience, food security, and livelihood action. 

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This podcast is an initiative of the Permaculture Education Institute.

Our way of sharing our love for this planet and for life, is by teaching permaculture teachers who are locally adapting this around the world - finding ways to apply the planet care ethics of earth care, people care and fair share. We host global conversations and learning communities on 6 continents.

We teach permaculture teachers, host permaculture courses, host Our Permaculture Life YouTube, and offer free monthly film club and masterclass.

We broadcast from a solar powered studio in the midst of a permaculture ecovillage food forest on beautiful Gubbi Gubbi country.

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