
ENG I Helping clients succeed in the ESG transition: greening the construction sector

May 10, 2024 Sorainen
ENG I Helping clients succeed in the ESG transition: greening the construction sector
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ENG I Helping clients succeed in the ESG transition: greening the construction sector
May 10, 2024

The Sorainen ESG service line is dedicated to helping clients navigate the constantly changing landscape of sustainability-related regulation.

On this webinar we delved into the ESG topic from different angles:
1) An overview of the ESG landscape in the construction industry;
2) Spotlighting on sector’s carbon footprint, as well as the urgency of renovation, and the hurdles in securing funding for sustainable building projects;
3) Sustainability agenda in Linstow Baltic’s general business practice as well as learning points from BREEAM certification.

The webinar should not be missed by investors, sustainability executives, legal and compliance experts or anyone following developments in pan-Baltic construction and real estate markets.


Moderator - Vitalija Impolevičienė, Head of the ESG service line at Sorainen 

Show Notes

The Sorainen ESG service line is dedicated to helping clients navigate the constantly changing landscape of sustainability-related regulation.

On this webinar we delved into the ESG topic from different angles:
1) An overview of the ESG landscape in the construction industry;
2) Spotlighting on sector’s carbon footprint, as well as the urgency of renovation, and the hurdles in securing funding for sustainable building projects;
3) Sustainability agenda in Linstow Baltic’s general business practice as well as learning points from BREEAM certification.

The webinar should not be missed by investors, sustainability executives, legal and compliance experts or anyone following developments in pan-Baltic construction and real estate markets.


Moderator - Vitalija Impolevičienė, Head of the ESG service line at Sorainen