The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis

The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis Episode #3 ~ Take up your bed and walk!

Travis Season 1 Episode 3

In this special Easter 2020 Podcast, Sasha and Travis discuss how to move forward despite having legitimate excuses to give up.  They also address moving forward with a new healthy lifestyle despite diabetes, gluten sensitivities, and thyroid disease.  Lastly, they talk about the reasons behind not losing weight daily despite one's best efforts.  

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00:01 Introduction
03:40 Shibboleth, Our Love Child
07:05 You’re not alone in the struggle!
09:57 It’s a strange time but we’ve got hope.
11:00 You can't get different results while doing the same things.
12:35 Food was my solution for everything
13:12 Why do you seek life amongst dead things?
16:52 “I am the way”
20:15 “We all have our own truth”
23:18 It’s a conscious effort, Everyday!
29:27 People are looking for Jesus, but they are looking in the wrong place.
37:30 Look at the Physical Scientific and Spiritual part of the illness.
46:00 The miserable comfort.
47:05 Kim’s Fast Track.
48:38 “The grass is not always green on the other side of the fence.”
48:54 Find your ideal weight.
49:42 There’s Hope!
50:33 Get up, Grab your stuff, Get in there yourself.
51:30 Be willing to be like a Sponge.
56:28 Do you want to be made well?
59:57 We should be filled with gratitude.
1:03:49 How much weight are you supposed to lose daily.
1:06:40 Trust the Perfect Day.
1:07:45 “The Devil is in the scale.”
1:12:32 Some Shoutouts!
1:20:03 This is not My Shibboleth.
1:20:55 Want to be notified when Travis comes Live?
1:21:55 Our Ongoing Lifetime Membership Special.
1:23:06 What does Lifetime Membership means?
1:23:54 Wrapping Up

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spk_0:   0:01
Travis has a background in sports, nutrition, wellness, education, behavior modification and Christian counseling. Travis spent the first half of his life battling with obesity himself and dealing with the unintended consequences of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, acid reflux and depression. He overcame obesity by faith, nutrition, education, self discipline and with the ship Elif lifestyle. Travis has spent the last two decades educating and inspiring tens of thousands of other men, women and Children to begin their own weight loss and wellness transformations. The shibboleth lifestyle is the number one weight loss and wellness lifestyle on the Internet. Join us today and welcome to the podcast. Happy Easter, Sasha. Happy Easter, Travis. Good morning. Good morning. We're recording this, So nah, Easter Sunday would, uh, a different kind of Easter. This has been already, but feeling blessed, I feel really good. Will be recording this Easter Sunday 2020 for those that will listen to this in the future. And probably most people will get those that do Tune in to the shibboleth jam podcast with Sasha and Travis. We'll get to listen to this on Monday. Tomorrow. So we weren't welcome everybody to the ship both. Damn podcast. We're excited about the things we're going to talk about today. We hope that it will be a blessing to someone out there who is trying to lose weight and become amore. Well, person, I know I'll start it off with Sauce. Has been tasting me a little bit about the introduction to our podcast.

spk_1:   1:59
Yeah, I've been I've been sort of wondering nothing mean to ask you about that? Sort of. Ah, a little. It's It's good. I like it. I didn't know you were gonna let me talk about it today. I needed

spk_0:   2:12
something new. You don't

spk_1:   2:14
know. I have been. I asked about that. I said, you know, tell me about this. Said this intro is pretty. It's pretty cool, actually. But, um but yeah, I was like, This is, um I'm not looking for its now. You got me flabbergasted at what does that mean? It was kind of funny that

spk_0:   2:33
I've had more than a few people that I'm close to. Give me a hard time about that. How that thing works is you write down your credentials and somebody makes you sound a lot better than you actually are. And when we did that that was done a long time ago. We've been playing in this podcast for a long time. We've had a lot of start stops over the years with podcast, but we decided we wanna do one the right way as much as we could with the resources we have. So that was a long time ago, and I had no idea when the person did that that you would be joining me on the podcast, which has been our go. But we never knew we would be ableto get to that where you and I could do these together because she both really is. We tease each other about it. It's kind of our love child. We've got five Children between us. We've been together for 10 years, so, uh, well, knock on wood. You never know. We are talking talking about this on Easter. There are miracles. But what? We don't plan on having any other physical Children. So she both It's kind of like our love child. We started this together, and God's blessed us and blessed our union, and we're still doing this together, and you are a big part of it. So I've got a surprise coming up for you here very soon. With our introduction to the podcast, it will be changing

spk_1:   3:59
it. ISS o okay. I certainly don't have that credentials, you know that you have. I just enjoy being part of the being part of it. And when you sort of we talked about it before and talked about me doing it with you, I thought, No, I can't I can't do I can't do what you do and sort of because there's been so many times I realized one day it's just talking in the kitchen. I could sit there and listen and chime in and give my, you know, give some feedback because you are you you would just enjoy talking to, you know, to you breeding in here talking to a wall is no fun. So it's I'll enjoy the interaction. And I think it's I hope it's a good thing.

spk_0:   4:38
Yeah, but, you know, you and I are a lot of like on, and we do have We do have some things we're going to talk about here, but you and I are a lot of like and we do talk about relationships on this podcast, and you give me a hard time. As you know, a friend of ours with many years ago. Ah, a friend of ours have been quite successful. I was constantly saying, Oh, I'm not that I can't do that. I'm not I can't do with that. And she would say, You're so disingenuous. So I'm gonna cut it with you a little bit your little disingenuous when you say, Oh, I can't do that. You're so good at it. And frankly, much better at it than May For who? Our demographic he is. And you know what I mean? Our audience, um, is a few brave men who tune in, but mostly women, women. And your thing has always being, you know, I want to help women because they're the ones that helped the husbands and help the Children. And you wanted this to be a safe place for women. So, you know, dog on girl, quick put, quit. Quit giving me so much credit. You deserve a lot of credit. But we'll move on past that. I'll surprise you later with that. Reside here. Yeah, It'll be a lot shorter. This one, This introductions too long. Some of our beautiful, beautiful listeners have already tell me. Only thing wrong with that. Is the introductions too long? Getting to the point. So we'll work on that. Yeah. So, uh, it's Easter. It's Easter Sunday, and I'm gonna read a scripture that goes along with really your first. You've been reading emails and getting private messages about what's going on in the minds of people. So the first script I've got is going to answer that question for you. So what was that question?

spk_1:   6:35
Um well, the as you know, it's hard to get past the struggle and and everybody every day. It's no matter how many times we feel like we're being positive and trying to give people motivation and motivation to do this to do, too, just to do life. It's every day somebody else is struggling with something else. And, um, it really has to be something that we talk about every day. So the one of the most recent ones that I pulled that had a lot of attention was, um ah, young lady wanted to share her struggle, thinking that it might help someone realize they're not alone in their own struggle is what she said. So she hasn't worked since March 16th. The dental hygienist um, all three of her kids were living at home and daughter in law and granddaughter. Life has changed. My husband's the only one of us still working. I'm stressed, angry, sad. Start the day perfect with coffee By the evening, something has made me wanna cheat. My kids are complaining all the time about each other and cooking meals for them. I'm the only one living this double with lifestyle. Gained £17 since this time last year. Um, I am one thing Positive. I've had time to work outside. I've been spending all day outside, weeding, planting, sweating when weather permits walking. But I'm feeling fat. Don't like my stomach. Feeling bad about how my body looks isn't helping my mood and no bad self image ing is not helping me. Just keeping it real honest. I need more willpower and just telling people they're not alone. So

spk_0:   7:58
yeah, yeah, we can we do here that when we were just we don't really have a script for this. We just write down a few points we want to cover if the Holy Spirit leads in a different way. That's what that's the way we'll go. But we're going to start off with this. And my question was to Sasha was, Didn't we start off the last two? The 1st 2 podcast with the same question. How do I get off the struggle bus in some form or format and will probably always have to discuss this because people are struggling with, frankly old bad habits and struggling with spiritual warfare, that mean that's that's exactly what you're struggling with. If you're trying to become a more, well person, you're trying to lose weight. For those that listen to this podcast in the future, just a reminder. It's weird living during a very challenging time. You're talking about the Corona virus crisis, and we can certainly resonate. What she's saying resonates with us. We've got grown kids, all of our grown kids. They're working or laid off to Omar in the house with us. Now, um, are patterns. The things that we used to do or were able to do to keep ourself in shape have changed, you know, I've been my my exercise routine has been uprooted. I can't do it right now. I'm having to find other things that are not my habit to do to stay in shape. Dude, it's It was my habit. Running on the beach was my habit and can't do those things anymore. So certainly we understand and you and I both even today before we did this podcast to say, Hey, we got we got to start are locked down tomorrow because I've gained some pounds during this because my patterns have been up. Say it so living during that time. And that's why what she's saying is even Maur impactful and necessary to address because you're living during a weird where it's a strange time. But we've got hope. I'm gonna read this. It is fitting because it's Easter. Um, I want to read this and see where see where it goes and see if it might help somebody. Then we'll get to the food questions, Luke, Chapter 24 Verse five through seven, says. And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the man said to them, Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you while he was still in Galilee, that the son of man must be delivered into the hands of simple men and be crucified. And on the third day rise, I like that. And you know, when I was reading that, the thing that jumped out at me was, Why do you seek the living among the dead? So we all come from if we're here. If we're listening and interested in this type of thing weight loss and wellness, we all come here warning to lose weight. But we continue to do the same things over and over and over, expecting a different result we're seeking. We've got one foot in a new lifestyle, one foot in an old lifestyle and bad habits, bad patterns. And we're trying to continue forward with that one foot in that old lifestyle. We keep doing the same thing over and over. Why don't we see the living among the dead? You won't life right. That's why we're out here. Well, it's not weight loss we want is what weight loss will give us. It's not wellness that we want. It's what wellness will give us, and it gives us more life. That's what we believe. White loss and wellness has given me a much Maur productive life and a life filled with much more Joey. So before I continue to seek life amongst dead things what do I mean? Dead things? Food, You know, that was my addiction. Food was my addiction. I continued to deal with my stress and deal with my anxiety and deal with even when I wanted to be entertained, deal with boredom, deal with hurt all of this stuff. I continue to deal with those problems with something that's dead. Food, food, food was my solution for everything. And in a moment of anxiety, I turned to food. I was looking for life, but I was looking for it in the wrong place. It another son That's a song And looking for love. Never mind. I won't sing, but right. I mean, that's exactly what I was doing. And until you realize that you're looking for life in the wrong place, you're not gonna be successful. Why do you seek life? I'm on edit that myself. Why do you seek life amongst bad things? Okay, life is is not how you try been trying to obtain weight loss and wellness is not working out for you. So You've got to have a radical change. You got have a different approach. I love that. This being Easter, we're celebrating the birth, the laugh, the death and the resurrection of Jesus. If you want to get off the struggle Bus. Look at the life of Jesus. Jesus lived a life of struggle. Yet without seeing his flesh was crucified. And that's another thing. He give us a good example. We've got to crucify our flesh and the lest of it. Okay, One of the less that my flesh has is Oreos, Metter, Butters, Cheddar Bay biscuits. My goodness, I can't tell you how long it's been. So my flesh lust for those things until I can deny my flesh actually crucify my flesh. I'm not gonna find life in life more abundantly so Jesus! Give us his perfect example of how to live a life of struggle but yet persevere, crucified. No fault of he is. Our sins were up there on that cross with him, Not he is. He was crucified and he died. Okay, you're going to have to die out to who you've always been and to find who you really are. You're not gonna find the real you, the true you until all of that junk, all of that baggage that you have. You let that die, You gotta let it die. You got to step into a new lifestyle and you'll find more life. So how did Jesus find life? He actually struggled, was crucified. He died and he was resurrected. Now think about this. He didn't down that cross and immediately was resurrected. He had to stay in the grave. He was in the grave for three days. So when you change your life, when you make that decision to change your life, you need expect a little more struggle. While Jesus was in the grave, he continued to preach to those that were in captivity. They were still in bondage. He had to do some work. So we've got to follow his example. So when we die out to the old us, don't think that it's gonna be an immediate just boom. You're radically changed. You're going to be radically changed. But there's gonna be a season where you got to do the hard work and you gotta let go of all those old bad habits and you've got to abstain from using food as a solution for everything. Jesus is the solution. Now I'll close this with this. A lot of people have a hard time with that name. Jesus, you shouldn't. You didn't know the physical man. I get it. I know a lot of people are struggling and even believers, people that had a profound belief in Jesus And in the name of Jesus, there's been so much stuff sewn out there. Now that we're on social media. Constance Constant information coming in, Edison, constant debate over the life of Jesus. And people really struggle with that now. Even people that had that profound belief Jesus can't really trust Jesus. Can I count on Jesus? I love what? Jesus. Say it. Jesus. Say it. I am the way I am the truth. I am the life. I am the resurrection. That's what he say it. So even though I think that's the sweetest name, the sweetest name I've ever heard Jesus, I can say it. I won't even do it. I can't repeat the name of Jesus. No shame, Omei. Every time I'm in struggle, if I know better, I know better. Somebody called me ignorant. Yesterday I got mad. So anyway, that was my flesh. But I'll just tell you this when it comes to me dealing with my problems and stress and anxiety and these things shame on me. I'm just stupid cause I know better. All I have to do is go to a prayer clothes. I don't even have to make requests of Jesus. I just have to go. Jesus, Jesus. I can keep saying that sweet, sweet name and I know how really years in my heart, in my life I can just say it over and over and over Jesus And before I'm done, I'm in tears. I can't even mechanic. That's what a wonderful name. It's just peace. But let's say that name doesn't bring you peace. I don't believe it, but let's say it doesn't, he said. I'm the way I'm the way your ways, not the way it's hurting you. You're hurting yourself. Let's use this as an example. You're hurting yourself with food addiction. I'm the way Jesus say. I read where he was eating some broad fish while they were out in the sea, fishing and struggling amidst the storm. Jesus was Jesus was over on the beach eating some broad fish while they struggled. So he too. But everything he did was about God, the father. Everything he did was about submission to God, the father's wheel. But he's the way your way's not the way. My way is not the way he's the life. Sometimes you just gotta move forward. Interesting life. Life will make a way. If you're a believer and you have faith in you have goals and you work hard toward those goals and you do all you can do to do the best you can do. He will do the rest. But how many of us are actually doing our best? It's not a good father to do it for you. Never has there been a good father. You want to just God, did you do it for May God keep this light off. I mean, he's not going to do it. It's not being a good dad. Would a good father, your your father upon this earth? Would he just do things for you and let you be dependent upon him when you could do better and you could do more and you could do your best? Our fathers here on earth knowing how to give good to us. How much better is our father in heaven than that? Father? He's going to want you to do what you can do and then think about what he can do when you got to the limits of what you can do. When you're doing your best, you're giving it all you got. You're about to break your about to succumb and you don't. That's when Jesus steps and he's a right on time. God, he's not on Lee the life. He's the truth. I'm not the truth. I'm not the truth. The Bible says All men are liars. We all have our own truth. There's a way that seems right to us. The only the truth that there is is Jesus. You know what Jesus said. You just said to love yourself. Take care of your temple. Anybody that doesn't take care of their temple, he said, I'll destroy them. Look at our land today. Worried about the Corona virus. I get it. Okay, fine. Fine. Hundreds of thousands of people hundreds and hundreds of over a 1,000,000 people die from cancer. Heart disease, heart disease, alone in the U. S. Each year. Okay, but we hear all the fearmongering would get worried. We get anxious and now that's our excuse to go eat trust but laugh. Trust the truth. And lastly he is. He's not a resurrection. He's the resurrection. Oh, now Philip tears. He's the resurrection. He's not a resurrection. He's the resurrection. You feel dead, you feel hurt. You feel dark. You fill out these things, just go to the tomb with Jesus and stay in there with Jesus for three days and then let him resurrect you. He's the resurrection. He can give you a brand new life. We could talk about all kinds of stuff here today about getting off the struggle bus. We could point fingers at you and say, You just don't want it bad enough. Maybe you do what you really need toe want is more Jesus. The way the truth, the life, the resurrection. That's what we all need to want tohave here on Easter Sunday. So that's my struggle. Bus elixir.

spk_1:   22:23
Well, I think, um, with Chanda, the one that that had posted that earlier this week, she as a mom, I can relate to a lot of what she's going through and as her, You know, her kids. She's the same age as me and I. We know each other from school. But I her kids are older, like mine are, and I can only imagine having them all under the roof and the way that they interact with each other. It's tough, and it's really I feel for her right now as a mom and trying to find her own space, her own peace in all of this. And I think when you were talking about a few minutes ago about finding a way to replace you know those old habits with, um, some new habits or some finding some joy, I think almost every every day is a struggle. You know, people may think that because you are the owner and the creator of this program that you don't struggle and or I don't struggle. I've maintained my weight for many, many years now, but every day it's a conscious effort, and some days I throw in the towel and I just buy and I don't even you know, I enjoy the day and I thought, or I might for a few days I might for a couple of weeks throw it in. But then my mind always comes back Thio those habits that I had created for myself and how good I was feeling when I was when I was on it and maintaining. And so I've never let myself get, you know, out of, you know, put it back on in that way. But I think every day you have to make a choice. Toe changed even the little things I know I usedto even just recently with this, um, pandemic that we've got going on. I know, um, because our schedules a little bit different. I was I was waking up and sort of my mind would go to breakfast because I've not really been a big breakfast eater. But lately, once this happened the first couple of weeks, I was I couldn't wait to get to the kitchen to make without these new cool Pop Tarts. They're called smart darts at a really good I couldn't wait to go have one, and I just usually wouldn't that I'd have my little bio coffee and my will pop tart, and I would just sit in my desk, and then I'd start to work immediately, and, um I just started feeling like I was I was starting to get hungry more. Who's the refrigerator was calling my name, and I just was e I don't know. It got easier to sort of be, um, to not resist that That fridge. Oh, this is happening right now. And I've got a, um you know, it's it'll be over soon, and it's not gonna hurt me if I just you know, before I knew it, I was hitting it several times a day and Zach and all day, rather than having you know, good meals and stuff and then but my morning routine, for some reason, a week or so ago and you probably noticed I'm I'm getting up that I'm getting up a little bit earlier, but I'll go get my coffee, and I kind of try to leave my phone inside and I'll go outside for a little bit. Thankfully, we're living in place or of where I can go. Um, it's been pretty out or it's been a nice morning, and I can go out there and just sit and reflect and just think about stuff. Think about life, and I'm just kind of I don't even know if I'm thinking a lot of times, just quiet, just listening to the nature and or the cars or whatever's happening. But just spending some time with myself and that gives me a little bit of peace. And that is something where you used to be looking forward to that breakfast, whatever that was gonna be. Now I'm looking for Frank A crave that in the morning I just crave that quiet time for myself because I know the rest the day we're all in the house together, like there's only we've got rooms we can go to. But ultimately we're all here 24 7 and it's it's a lot. And so just having those few minutes that that's to me gives me joy every day. And so it's a replacing one thing with a different kind of joy, and that's that's been helpful for for Mei. And so I know she found a moment of peace going and gardening and weeding, and I've heard a lot of people don't know My sister's doing that back in Georgia as well, just like they're spending so much more time doing things. Organizing. I can't tell you. I think I think I've about organized everything we could possibly without your office organized yesterday. Uh, me and me and Kayla got in here and and get it and and pitch some organ it. So I think we're about done. So now I'm not sure what our next project's gonna be, but But I've so enjoyed finding those other things to replace that, um, replace that. So and I just want to say one more thing. And, um, about Nikki, who had posted this week. She's believe Nikki's. I know she's lost over £100. I'm not sure what her exact weight is that she was talking about the pandemic and and why some people that are struggling? She said, um, one thing she said that I think really struck. A lot of people moved may so much because, um, she said the, um she she had had so much fear is a child that ever was a young adult looking in the mirrors and stuff like that. And she her she said, I saw that same look in the face of my child when she stood in front of a mirror. Um, and she said I was living in denial that it was mostly my choices that was causing us for me and for her. Um, she said You want to know how I'm not gaining weight during this crisis? It's because the crisis that my daughter was under when she hated herself is much more scary than a pandemic. And who that just I just got chills when I read it. So I just really thank her for posting that for other people because it helped me. And I think obviously it helped so many more people to see the different side of all this.

spk_0:   27:39
Yeah. You in again? I said, close up. I feel impressed. I'm on it. Was that Shanda the champion? Okay, that's you. Yeah. This immediately got my attention When you tell me who it was. I don't know why, but the angel said to the women, That's Matthew 28 5 and six. But the angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, man. Do we not hear that every day? I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid I can't maintain. I'm afraid I can't lose it. Do not be afraid, for I know that you see Jesus who was crucified? He is not here. That's wait. If I'm there. This is the way I hear the angel talking to me. You know, a lot of people don't. Never mind. I'm not gonna go there. What does it matter? What does it matter that what people say? But they'll tell me you quoted that wrong look. This is this is the living word. It's This is too. This is a letter written to me, right? Okay. So I can interpret it however I want based upon my needs. So you know, God speaks to you through this. There is word. It's a letter written in May. So if someone's having a conversation with three of us, we all interpret it differently based upon our experiences. So I interpreted based on what I'm going through, and I hear the angel talk to me like this. Travis, do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus. Who was crucified? He's not here for he has risen. As he said. Come see the place where he lay. And all these people are looking for Jesus. They are. They're looking for Jesus. But we're looking for him in the wrong place. He has risen Where Ugo. Come on, I'll show you where it come and see the place where he did lay. This is where he did lay. He's not here anymore and that people keep looking for him in the same place. And that is to say, they keep looking for the way, the truth, the life they keep looking for joy and peace and love. They keep going to the same place looking for those things, and they're not finding him because he's not there anymore. You know where he's at at the you relay, say, lays in my heart. That's where he's at. He's in my heart. I've got every resource I need inside of May he who is within me is greater than Hey, that's in the world, John. 19 Verse 13 42. I'm not read all these, Then pilot to Jesus and flogged him, and the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and a raid him in a purple robe that came up to him saying Hail king of the Jews and struck him with their hands. Pilot went out again and said to them, See, I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him. So Jesus came out wearing a crown of thorns and a purple robe. They marked him. Make fun of him when you find out where Jesus lays and you start living and walking in saint with him more love for yourself, More love for others, More love for God. People are gonna mark you especially if you tell him where your great hope and joy comes from. Comes from Jesus. People gonna mark you They're gonna make fun of you just like they did him. But are you ready? Are you ready for a new life? Because nothing's gonna give you Maur Joey Method When you realize that starting a new life beginning a new life is going to come with some adversity. So even your you your most intimate love one those that you love the most when you make a life change that they're not ready for you to make But you're ready to make their gonna market they're gonna make fun of you. But just keep walking in the footsteps of Jesus because it won't be long. It won't be long that you'll find out where he's laying now. He's in your heart, the omnipresent I'm the potent Amish in God of Heaven is in Your heart is not in that tomb. He's not. He's not a material physical parson on this Earth anymore, and he's not even coming back that way. A lot of people disagree with that. Let's just agree to disagree. He came as a sheep. He's coming back as the line of the tribe of Judah and he lives in your heart. So when people tell me I can't do this, I don't have what it takes. I can't go along with that. That's why I ran. So that's to say that we're defeated. That's two that is two thumb our nose up at what Jesus did, he said. Here's the way to victory, victory and freedom. When the sun set, you're free, you're free. Invade. When he set you free from food addiction, you're free. You don't have to go back there anymore. I think Jesus just needs to become more real in the believer's heart and become real. For the first time in the non believers heart, you can break any addiction with Jesus. I'll try to stop But, man, I know Jesus. Jesus. He goes in the Walmart with me. He goes into Kroger with me. He goes into Red Lobster with me when I deny the lust of my food addicted flesh and walk in the spirit. Livia Miss Champion, keep looking at Sasha. What do we got next?

spk_1:   33:54
You know, if I want to goto away from what we're talking about, and we really don't really don't really aren't because what you just said? Well, because what you just said because what I had more of was basically the, um, a little more specific about. We talked a little about people with the head medical conditions and might be concerned about doing this program or that program, and but the ones that we had were specifically about People always want to know because they're diabetic or because there are gluten free. The diabetic question was specifically I've been insulin dependent for 15 years. Um, my sugar was 80 when I woke up. Had the shakes really weak all day. Cannot do this program. Whenever I try to make changes to my eating. This what happens, and I think that you just sort of answer that because when somebody's going into something like this already feeling defeated Anyway, it just made me think this is art. You're We're talking about these issues that, um I think with anything people like we talked about before. They kind of Oh, no, this is my My problem is why can't because of this, that or, you know, this medical, this issue and there I certainly don't know what that's like and I wouldn't wantto say, Oh, it's, you know, I don't want it down, play the severity of it and by any means. But I just think that's where that sort of I can't comes into play and where you're just talking about your little eye and in your heart here, I think you gotta try to overcome. Overcome that. And I think What? What can I do? I guess I have.

spk_0:   35:25
Yeah, well, a lot of people have riel issues. I know I had really issues acid reflux for over a decade. The worst case I have, I know there's worse, but I had the worst case I've ever seen or heard about, and acid reflux debilitating acid reflux couldn't go many places because of the constant regurgitation of my food and that Type two diabetes, which can be reversed. Some people say it can't. Yes, it can. We see that every day here, top one can't be outside of a miracle of God. I've heard people say I had top one and I don't have it anymore. But science would tell us that that's impossible. But I'm no good. Nutrition can manage it much better because I've seen that, Um, I've seen so many illnesses overcome, better managed or reversed through living a healthy lifestyle. So when someone comes and they have these issues, it's more of a matter of perspective. And again, I don't mean to keep going back to the Bible, but we're rejecting the word of God were rejecting what Jesus said were rejected. There's a lot of reasons why people rejected, and I understand that because you have, you know, you got constant people making a mockery of Christians and Christian beliefs and these types of things. And again, I'm not an old again. I'm a whole Bible person, but I'm not a old testament. I don't spend my time in the Old Testament, read it, enjoy reading it. But that's not what I try to live by. I try to live by the commandments of Jesus, and people will mock that. Even if you just talk about love, a lot of people will mock that. So my point here as I die aggressed is if you have some physical ailment, let's look at it physically and let's look at science. And let's also look at the spiritual part of that illness. Okay, whatever ill illness you're dealing with, the level of thinking that you've always had contributed to the illness that you're dealing with their some exceptions. There's some exceptions, but even those exceptions it would warming. By exception, let's say that a child, let's say a virus attacks a child pancreas, and it can no longer produce insulin in its Type one diabetic to no fault of its own. You can look back through the lineage that child's lineage, and you'll find somewhere where somebody much smarter make it come and articulate this better. But you'll find somewhere where those jeans that was susceptible to that or that made the immune system susceptible to that. You will see somewhere where someone's thoughts and actions in that child's lineage could be way back up, regulated that gene, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's our thoughts. It's our thoughts and our actions that lead to disease. No, Travis, that's not true. That's gonna upset somebody. I know. I didn't say your thoughts or that child starts. But what thoughts lead to disease in the first place? The thoughts that that come from the first man and woman that we're taught that were discussed in the Bible, whether that was literal or figurative, what led to visit to disease, they lived in the garden. We're gonna live there eternally without ever having a live. Hey, it doesn't get much better than two good looking people not having a word living in the garden butt naked and they ain't got no problems, man. They had it made, but that wasn't good enough. It was their level of thinking that caused death to come. So I don't You can talk about it all day. However you want to talk about it, they all routed by two man's level of thinking and then man's action. You know what got even trouble was not thinking. Hey, this forbidden fruit looks pretty yummy here. It's not the thought but that's where it all comes from. It's that action. We are gonna have doubts we shouldn't have. So when you have these doubts of man, I've got these. I'm dealing with diabetes. I'm doing high blood pressure I'm doing with thyroid disease. I'm dealing with cancer. I'm dealing with these things that hold me back. That's alive. The devil. That's what the devil wants you to think. You should. Yeah, someone's going to get you. Some is going to get all of us. But until it gets you, you should be thinking, Hey, I can do well do etcetera. You know I'm going. I can overcome this. The Bible is full of Scripture. What aboutthe one that was there, uh, by the water. The waters would be troubled and he couldn't get up out of his bed to get in the water because no one would help him. When he decided when Jesus came by and he does, I decided to take up his bed and walk it. Jesus's command. He was made. Well, at some point, you you've got to take up your bed and walk. In other words, these things have been an obstacle to you. Diabetes insulin dependent. Okay, You're dependent upon insulin for your survival. Okay, that Let's say that your bed that you're bad, that's what you're dealing with. You got to take it up and keep moving forward. It's not helping you to stay in that bed, if you will. You got a great reason to not continue on. Okay? I'll give you that. We won't even call it an excuse. Your thyroid disease. Great reason I won't be a butt. And I won't say Hey, that's an excuse. I won't say that. You've got a great reason to give up. You have that decision in that choice to make. You can give up. Are you can take up your bed that you've been laying in. What bad? The reason that I can't do this because of thyroid disease. You can take up that bed and you can move forward. You can walk forward and you can make things better. You will make things better, but you have to go forward. You can't sit there even with good reason to feel sorry for yourself. Is that how you want to finish up this thing here while you're here at home in this body Is that how you want? Is that what you want to be known for? Hey, sister had thyroid disease. Hey, Sister, had diabetes? Or do you want to take up that reason that bad and Walt move forward and do better? You can do better. It's hard, I know. But there's also the the science of it. You've got some limitations. I understand you got some self limiting beliefs, but you also got some physical limitations. What I love about our program is that whether you're dealing with diabetes or you've got crone's disease or whatever, we can sit down and help you come up with a mail plane. You're aiding something. I said this in the last podcast. You're eating something. Pringles aren't making it better. We will have people. Am I right or wrong? You'll have people hooked on junk. Then they'll look at our food list and go, Oh, my gosh, I can't eat that one item that C one item on the list. I can't eat that in my responses. Don't. There's tens of thousands of items that we can choose here. You just can't have you Pringles. It wasn't helping you anyway. And you can still have those six days a month. Just keep your insulin nearby. Right? Okay. You've just got to give me more days. 24 25 days a month. Following are easy to file a program or your program of choice. Whatever program you to use, take it to your doctor. Sit down with one of us. Let us help you come up with a meal plan based upon foods that you enjoy eating that help you instead of foods that you enjoy eating and don't help you. And that's how we're doing. To me. That just sounds like logic. It sounds like common sense, but I also can harking back to the day when I just wasn't ready to change. I was actually addicted to being labeled. Travis's got tapped to diabetes. Travis has got heart disease. Travis's got acid reflux. Travis has got high cholesterol. Travis's depressed. Travis, um is bipolar. You just heard that that come up the other day, One of the kids said someone so said you used to be a bipolar, and that's why you you went through so many. Yeah, I was diagnosed with it 15 years ago. Yeah, sure, Waas, but I don't consider myself bipolar anymore. Maybe that's

spk_1:   44:54
Billy Man, that

spk_0:   44:55
20 years ago we've been hit. So anyway, new information, but they were like is like a shock because somebody was really trying to, um, they were out to get yeah, right. They were out to get me. So they told my kids something that I hadn't told my kids. So anyway, there was. Believe it or not, there was a miserable comfort to being labeled those things. It let me off the hook. Absolutely. Do you understand what I'm saying in tunnel it? That's why the Bible says your inexcusable. The Bible is not trying to be mean when it says your inexcusable. It's saying that your inexcusable because guess who lays in your heart? Yes, his own, the throne of your heart that you don't have to do this by yourself. But there was a measurable comfort for May to go. Well, I'm on depression medication. Will. I'm type two diabetic. Well, it let me off the hook. I didn't have to do anything. I had a good excuse. Shouldn't be an excuse. You're wasting the sweet spot of your life. Those of you that are listen to make us. It's rare, and if you are, I'm glad you are. It's rare there. Anybody under the age of 30 is listening to me. So if you're 30 but we welcome you and believe it or not, young person, you will soon make dealing with the things that all of us are dealing with but anybody 30 or overlook your in the yurt in the sweet spot of life. Is this how you want to go down? Is this how you want to go out, or do you want to go out yelling Freedom? I finally got free. It's up to you if your insulin dependent. If you have gluten sensitivities, whatever you're dealing with, watch the daily doses with an open mind about nutrition. We're not preaching hate you that much in those daily doses. Or what's Kim's fast track? Kim's fast track. Some people have preferred those either watch Kim's fast track or my daily doses. Take the test, passed the test and earn your face one batch. Now you've got a good foundation of nutrition. Put together a meal plan or get a mentor appointment and let us help you put together a meal plan. Don't do it. Take it to your doctor. Take it to your doctor. You know what your doctor is going to say. This is awesome. This is awesome because you're gonna be eating whole foods, sister. Good food. Combine the right way and even if we have to find you, avoid replacement for moose tracks like bunny tracks that's approved on our program and taste like moose tracks. But without the blood sugar spot your daughter's going to say, Well, this is a better ice cream. Then you were eating. We're gonna make these changes, but then you've got to marry the program. You can't date it when you're dating Sze. When you're dating your dating, you're enjoying dating. Get tired of the person, you can take some new person and that's what happens. You're doing this program for a day or two. A week or two and something new comes up fascinate your mind. You were making progress, but I want something new. That's another thing about human beings. We want something new all of the time. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence, so you can try all these things and you keep jumping around and starting and starting and starting. Be uncommon. Stick with something, have some, stick to it iveness and finish what you started. Go to our website. Click Ideal Weight. Go to Debbie. Debbie Debbie dot my shibboleth dot com maestro, both dot com Click Ideal. Wait, Find out what your ideal weight ranges and you go in. Get there and tell May things aren't better. When you get there, you'll get there. You'll get there. Whether you're dealing with diabetes or whatever you're dealing with, there's hope. There's hope, but you gotta put the work in a lot of people. It's not that you don't want to do it. You're not disciplined, but there's hope you can be a discipline. You just gotta learn to push herself. Do you think I want our Sasha wants or those that have been successful want every day 24 25 days a month? Because I thought we got to do it. Other days we can have at it, But do you think we want to do what we're supposed to do all the time? No, but you got to push yourself and develop some discipline because discipline, equal pace and self love and self care. So come say yes. Let us help you That your thoughts?

spk_1:   50:12
Uh, I had a lot to see If I can recall them. I know you're out. You'll see how biblically in in, uh, I don't know that there's a story that I used it when I would teach every now and then in the in the center there was a story that that was, um I felt Mike was related to would just what you're talking about from the Bible and it's the crippled man that was next to the water. And he said, I know nobody will help me. Nobody will help me is that we got Yeah and Jesus thing yelled at him. And because I think in the Bible, it's like in all caps or there's exclamation point or something. That's it. Get up, grab your stuff. Get in there yourself kind of thing. And I really think that's, um, with our with the program, with whatever thing you want to d'oh, it's. You have to make your own effort. You have to with we're not weak. You can easily get a go get a pill or go get um, you know what meals prepared for you for sure, you can easily do all that stuff and get to the goal that you're wanting. But it's to me now. There was a time I would have thought that. So just please anything that let me do that because there's so much other stuff going on in my life. I don't want to have to learn anything new, but once you get the knowledge that we've got with this program or with anything that you choose to do, you really have to jump in and be willing to be like a sponge for a while and get all the information that you can get some knowledge about what you're trying to do because you're not talking about just, um, learning to paint your fingernails or something. You're talking about learning Thio live, Ah, healthful and a life that you can now, um, pass along those thies this knowledge to your kids and your future. The future generations. It's a huge it's the information to me is invaluable that we provide here. But when you allow yourself to be that sponge and gain that I would do it for yourself like it's like But when you bought or when you know if your kid and he turns XT ain and you're you're given a car, maybe by your parents I don't know that there with the luxury of that so much. But my my parents did. And when I was 16 I got a little Pontiac Sunfire given given to May. I was driving my sisters around. I think it was a big help to them, too. But that car versus a car that I bought for myself later on, I put the money into it. I was able to get, um, you know, get what I wanted because I put in the effort was I took so much better care of that car that I paid for, and I think anybody would say the same thing, right? Your house, you get whatever it is, your dog, whatever it is that you you put the effort into and this is no different to Mae. It's It's like, um, if I'm not willing to to take the timeto, learn the watch, watch some videos, listen, just even just listening, having it on, I think you absorb everything, and every time I listen to something I would get something different out of it. Write stuff down that always when it comes out of your brain and onto paper. I think it makes you really think about, um I think about things differently. I think that's your good faith effort to do good and to do good for yourself. And then, um you know, that footprints poem comes to mind, and once you get to a certain place where you're you're exhausted and you feel like maybe you've gone as far as you can go, he will pick you up and carry you the rest of the way with you. That just has always been I just feel like you got to do your We've all got to do our part. Um, you know, not just say well, nobody would help me or I kill can't stand when I see you something where somebody has said, nobody will help me do this. And

spk_0:   53:49
I didn't hear that. So, yeah, have have we ever denied anybody have certainly get an email in the wrong box or one of those hidden Facebook boxes, And then people don't even try to get reach out for help anymore. If you don't answer them. But we've got mentor in you. Just schedule the appointment. They see it and I'm you brought up such a good thought. And again the Bible is spirit. This is might I Don't Don't look down on anybody who has literal interpretations of the Bible all throughout. I just don't. Okay, I don't. The Bible was spiritually written. Must be spiritually discerned. So again, a letter to May. And this is piggybacking on your thoughts. I should get out. This is John Gospel of John Tech Five in these in these lay a great multitude of sick people. Blind lane paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. Now let's put that in the letter to Travis in these lay a great multitude of sick people who have diabetes, heart disease are obese. Thyroid disease, depression, but their way. But they're waiting for something else. They're waiting for the moving of the water for an angel. Went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water. Then whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made whale of whatever disease they had. Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity for 38 years. You could be dealing with this for 38 years. Think about it. He had a good reason. He had a good reason he'd been dealing with obesity. Let's say obesity. For 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, he said to him, Did you want to be made? Well, maybe that should be our first question from now when people say, Well, this work for May, we need to teach our whole tain that Here's your question. Don't ask any other question. Do you want to be made whale? Right? And it's almost for May. It's like Jesus saying, Travis, you've been laying there for 38 years doing the same thing.

spk_1:   56:16
Serious said Hello,

spk_0:   56:19
You've been laying there for 38 years. Siri's in the room you've been laying there for 38 years, man, do you even want to be made well, because you just laying there doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. The sick man answered him, said, sir, and listen to the excuse. Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. But while I am coming, somebody else steps down before me. How many times have you heard that? I just felt left out? I just felt Jesus said to him now, Jesus didn't do what we're doing. Try to talk anybody into anything. We have to try to talk people into being made whale. Yeah, Jesus is different. Jesus said to him, Rise! Take up your bed. And Walt, it was a command. And immediately the man was made. Whale took up his bed and walked. And that day was the Sabbath. The Jews therefore said to him who was scared. Now think about that. I had people and rightfully so. Rightfully so, I think. Rightfully so. It helped me make a good decision. I have people that said you shouldn't be doing a challenge on Easter Sunday, right? You're right. We need to be focused on that. But think here. What happened? This was on the Sabbath. It was not lawful for this man to do anything. Especially not even care. He carried his bed. He was not supposed to be made wail on the Sabbath. That's how man's. That's how, mate that's how this patriarchal society writing their own rules is Listen, what again? It's the Sabbath. It's not lawful for you to carry your bad, even if you're getting whale. When we throw this in there, let me throw this in there. Everybody. So they were getting mad at Jesus calls. This man's carrying his bed and Jesus Total's gonna kill these people. They ain't supposed to be working on the Sabbath. Today may be a good day for you to write down your new birthday. It may be a good day for you to say. Easter 2020. My new name in my new birthday. I'm letting the past go. I'm gonna be a new creature in Christ, Jesus and a healthy one. And think about this this Sabbath. Who What's going on here? I love it. And this this is lying, man who's been made Well, he answered them. You answered them. He who made me well set to may take up your He's not really don't care what y'all say because that man told me to take up my bed and walking. He healed may. So I'm doing what he says. Then they asked him, Who is the man who said this? Do you take up your bed? Wild? But the one who was hell did not know it. Waas for Jesus had withdrawn a multitude being in that place afterward, Jesus found him in the temple. Now think about this. Here's another place. I think we failed, and this is the reason we relapse. This is the raisin. That relapse happens even for those who have lost the way. Afterward, Jesus found this man in the temple and said to him, See, you have been made whale sin no more. Let's say worst thing come upon you. I found him in the temple. I got a feeling this man was in the temple because he was filled with gratitude. We should be field with gratitude once we overcome this thing and not forget who helped us overcome it, and it wouldn't start you, it wouldn't Travis. It wasn't the person that helped you with your mail plan is Jesus. It's Jesus. He's the one. He's the one that's good. That's good. And sin no more. I got throw this at people because board that word upsets even some of our loved one scene. If you look up the real meaning of seeing it means going against one's own self. Now people are offended by how dare you call me a center? I'll tell you right now I'm a centre. I go against myself every day, and I know that's not what God wants me to do. He wants me to be for myself because he's for me. And that's what Jesus saying here. Don't lay in that bed anymore. Don't way over there in that bed anymore. You're going against yourself, man. The next bed you have the next reason you have not to move forward. You take it up and you keep walking. Don't work against your own self anymore. How many people have a few perfect days on our program and tell us they're feeling better? And then you find them going against their self again. And they're like, Why I felt so good. Why did I do this? You gotta walk in Jesus. And you have to realize you're not the bad guy here. You're not the bad guy. You're not at war against flesh and blood, but against Principalities powers the rulers of the darkness of this world spiritually wickedness in high places that wants to kill you. You have that or not? It's true. Mmm.

spk_1:   1:1:50
Good news is they can, um I don't have to be defeated by that lapse of him, And everybody's gonna have that moment of weakness and you feel like, Well, did it? I've screwed up. I might as well just script the whole rest of the day or the weekend or the weak or the month. But truthfully, it's just it's just a matter of, you know,

spk_0:   1:2:11
I've got a little saying that you hear may say all the time and you don't realize why I do it or you may realize why I do it. But I just started making fun of myself when I follow meaning. I used to beat myself into oblivion, which is exactly what the devil wants, because he's the accuser and I just you think that would help you do better, but it doesn't. So now when I mess up ago. Excuse me, hate it when that happens,

spk_1:   1:2:37
all right?

spk_0:   1:2:38
I hate it when that happens and I'll fix it. It's going to happen. So I did that. That happened. Now I'll fix it. I'll do better tomorrow. I'll do better right now. That's how you have to be. You can't just wallow in that and beat yourself up. I see people beating themselves up constantly for an heir, you know, a human era. So anyway, yeah. Next

spk_1:   1:3:03
after that. I don't know. I was gonna in my in my bra. How much we got left.

spk_0:   1:3:08
We got time. You had mentioned one earlier. That might be a good one to end on about. I'm not. I didn't I didn't lose weight yesterday.

spk_1:   1:3:17
Yeah, there was a question. About how much are you supposed to lose weight daily? I started riding my bike. I'm not sure if I'm not eating correctly or if it's due to riding my bike now. But I gained a pound. I had lost £11 in eight days, and now I gained one. And I'm stuck.

spk_0:   1:3:35
Yeah, I hear it all the time. Right. So let's unpack that so that you have a better understanding of what this journey looks like. And we do this almost every podcast too. Almost every class we have to, because people don't understand how the these bodies work. First off, if you're in a calorie deficit. You lost weight that day. It doesn't matter what the scale say next. If you were in a calorie deficit and you controlled insulin, you lost weight 2 to 3 times faster. Then you would have if you were just in a calorie deficit. And that's what our program addresses. Neutralization of the fat bus that being insolent and calorie deficit boom. Okay, so she said, Take her at her word. I did it. I had a perfect day, meaning I was in a calorie deficit. I controlled insulin through food, combining in a gang. Wait, I'm stood. No, you're not step. That's not stuff. That's not stuff. Your body is a sponge. Okay, what? What you should say is, I know I had a perfect day. I know that I lost fat, but I put on a pound because my body's a sponge and I'm going my water. The weight of water is going to fluctuate up and down during my journey. The weight of glucose is going to fluctuate up and down during my journey. Maur. So then the fat does, whether it's a loss or gain, either your body is a sponge. If you have a carbohydrate. Even in the right combination, you're going to retain a little fluid. If it's that time of the month, you're going to retain a little fluid if you I have, um late at night, you eat your last meal your way to get you eat it really late, and you go to bed while it's still in the first phase of digestion. You're gonna be a little up tomorrow. It doesn't mean you didn't lose body fat, But you're going to have those water and glucose and waste fluctuations. They won't be daily that that will go up and down, up and down, up and down. Nor when you lost. What was she lost? 11. Right? 11 8 11 in eight days. You did not lose £11 of fat in eight days, right? You still lost weight. It was £11. You're not having to carry around £11 that you were carrying around. But a lot of that was watering glucose. So now you're at net nine or £10 lost. Okay, keep going. Be consistent. That water, that glucose, that waste is going to fluctuate. I want to say this every broadcast that you remind me to trust the perfect day. Definition trusted.

spk_1:   1:6:43
Can I ask you about that?

spk_0:   1:6:45
Trust your weekly timing calendar. If now, if you're not truly having a perfect day and marking it perfect, it doesn't matter. It's not That's not what I mean. You had a perfect day. You followed the bulletproof shield shibboleth bulletproof shield. But you had a perfect day. Trusted. You had two in a row. Trust that he had three in a row. Now you're an efficient, fat burning trust that the weekly time and calendar is what probably the number one reason that I was able to be a consistent because my weight in the beginning come out fast. And then it slowed down. So I trusted that. Okay, I had a perfect day. This will remedy itself. I'm not stuck. If I continue, I'll have a drop. You know, I might go the same way. I would go the same way three or four days and those would be perfect days. And then boom, I dropped, too. That's what will happen if you truly have apart trust with weekly timing Calendar Do not trust the scales.

spk_1:   1:7:52
The devil is in the scale.

spk_0:   1:7:53
The devil is in the scales will believe it, but the devil gets exercised. Let me explain. We can exercise the demon in the scales. Let me tell you how to do it. You're doing the problem. You haven't perfect days. You get on the scales looking for that result. That's that's human beings, man. I put in a great effort yesterday. I expect all the weight to be going tomorrow. Not going to happen. You need to exercise that felt demon to a stinking thinking. So here you are. You have a great day. You look at the scale. You look at the scale the next day you're down seven in two days and then you go, Well, I'm gonna lose about £2000 this year. If I keep going, It's not gonna happen. You do not trust the scales. The devil demons are in those scales. If you look at them every day, they are a liar. And the truth is not in them as it relates to the amount of fat you lost or gained or gained. What do I mean by that? If I go eat out, if I go to McDonald's and have a big Mac and fries and a shake. I'm gaining weight, right? Okay, the next day, my weight. Let's say it's up £4. Because of that, I did not gain the whole meal. Didn't even weigh £4. I didn't gain £4 of fat, but for the rest of the day, I'm also everything I drink is being latch stone to and pulled into the sale because of all the starch in the burger and all that will be released. When the scales say you gained or lost and you're looking at them in a day, it's a liar. Now, if I get on the scale Monday morning, I have a perfect week. Or maybe one hollow me on. I get on the skills the next Monday morning. A little more truth, a little more truth. Still, some lives mixed in that, especially if I had my hollow middle late in the week. After a great week of effort. Little little lies, we tell people if you run away once, wait way on Wednesday because most people are having their hollow meal on the weekend and in Monday and Tuesday before you won't get the press because Monday and Tuesday if you're having perfect days again. By Wednesday, you'll see more of a true assessment of what you've accomplished in the last seven day period. Right? But even looking at them in a one week period, especially for a woman who's that time of the month that week can't trust the scales, they're gonna lie to you. See us? Mmm.

spk_1:   1:10:29
Yes, they are males. They are.

spk_0:   1:10:33
We can exercise the demon that's in that scale. If we look at it, I'm not saying this is the only time you should look at it. But if we look at it, I did my best. In the month of April, I had six holla meals and 25 24. Whatever. It is perfect days, April 1 I can compare to May 1. And now I'm getting the whole truth right now. I know. Now I know I lost him. Awesome. I lost 20. Awesome. I lost five. Because I don't have much to lose. Awesome. But also, if you have food yourself, which we do and you didn't do your best Now if April was 1 55 and may 1st was 1 60 you know, I didn't work hard, and I guarantee you that would coincide with your weekly calendar. You you could see on that calendar your weekly time and chart would call it different things. You would see. Yeah, the charts, right? I didn't do my best. I swatted. Gained a few pounds. I had 11 11 holidays or had 18 holidays or whatever. So trust the scales over the course of a month in a month. If you know you've done your best even two weeks in two weeks, you've done your best. You've had perfect days. You didn't lose anyway. Now you're stuck. I'm with you. I'm with you. But we can fix that. Oh, you got to do is call for a mayday. Get your mentor. Porn will fix that lickety split. There's no reason to get pressed. You can't say I'm stuck after a day. All right? No. Anything else, ma'am? Sasha?

spk_1:   1:12:32
Maybe just a couple of shout outs. I have go for their, Um, I have ah, Kayla Wallace and her husband. She posted. They've lost £112 between them, both since January since New Year's Day. So that's pretty exciting. That that's pretty, um, over facing hard to pull someone or over somebody else because right now, even during this crisis that most of the post, if you're not part of our silver group Facebook, you're not on there. You need to get on. There are members only. Group is where all of us as a community. I mean, we have a business, the business part of this. We have about five employees, five staff members. But the community that support this out there of people that are all doing this are in the Silver Member group. So if you're not part of that group, get in there with your struggling because there's so many positive stories and people's everybody's journey is different. So you get, um, all kinds of weight loss across the board. You got Kayla and her husband together combined, £112 lost. It's New Year's Day. Um, you've got Matthew Anderson £40 down, he said. First time he's been the weight he is, which he didn't post that, but he posted £40 down and more than five years. He hasn't seen the weight he sees today, and that's been since February 24. So that's a very because of knowing you and your journey it makes me think that he was probably We're about where you were, where you started, but he that's incredible. £40 since February 24th. And then and then I just got a shout out to Tasha Russian because that girl, she is always on here posting positive pictures. She's £80 down and has been maintaining it for more than a Yeah, I think maintaining for, I guess, probably forced 4 to 6 months or so because she started January of last of 2019. But she is always on there, so positive posted her pictures and, um, inspiring more people. And I know that she is because I see so many people. Um, if you're struggling and don't know, um, when you're ready to be a sponge, I think you should find somebody to If you're if a mentor, if you're afraid to go to one of our mentors are there, you're afraid they're not gonna be able to relate to you. For whatever reason, find somebody on this page that that it looks like you do or started like you do or has the lifestyle that you two have. Maybe they have a bunch of kids maybe have no kids or maybe they're very active. Or maybe they're not. Or just find because Tasha I know because I've seen come through the back end. She is inspiring so many people that in and she talks to them. She they will say Tasha taught me how to do a B or C And the one thing that, um I just think she's incredible incredible person. She always is posting always And she's she's a young woman and has gone through this journey. And just as she's a really inspiring and, um, I'm encouraged to see so many people actually reaching out to her that she doesn't know outside of this group. And then, um, you also have to remember that this journey is it really a secret? It's a 11 of somebody A long time ago when we were talking about the name shibboleth and why we went there. And I think you and I, I know why you did from Ah, um, biblical, the secret and the password. But I think our members and we started to take on a new meaning that it's really it's a secret form. A. It's my personal journey it's my shovel. If it's my what I eat every day and you have to remember that about the people that are in our groups two and that you see post what they do every day may not work for you and the things that they like, cause a lot of people will want to know, like with Matthew or some of these others. Well, what did you do? How did you do that? Tell me what you did, because you you think you want to do exactly the same thing. But I know for May I peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for, uh, probably until I just I thought I could have that. I

spk_0:   1:16:27
know of adversity. Oh, yeah, being new listeners going,

spk_1:   1:16:31
you'll have some white bread and some Once I knew the kind of bread to buy and I liked it. It was good bread. I'd knew the natural peanut butter was just easy, for it's got by skipping natural, and that's cool. I like that. Or low sugar jail. You're, um and have ah, one of the with it on bread. I I knew I could do that. I knew I loved them, so it wasn't a problem for me to have that sometimes breakfast, lunch and dinner until I learned what else I could do that I wanted to do that fit into my lifestyle into my routines and stuff. So a lot of times that might be somebody's there, like peanut butter does not work for me. I don't like it, Don't want it so you just never know. And so some people, I think everybody's journey is different. There's everybody's story is different, so you you can take what people do and get ideas from it. But you really have to create your own your own journey. Here's something that you can stick with for the rest of your life.

spk_0:   1:17:26
Absolutely make it. Make it your own. And I'm glad you said that because you know, we got 8000 people in the members only group. We have a lot more members than that. A lot of people don't do Facebook. That surprised me. I really admire them. We kind of have to. But, you know, we've got on our staff, probably 16 or 17 employees. A lot of them are on the technical side because something's always going on with our Web site. It's huge, but we do. What about five support people? So they do a great job supporting shout out to them. You know who you are. We love you, you ladies. Um but we've got 8000 members in there that our support staff in that this is a ministry first and foremost and just the help. I'll learn something every day. Someone asked me there, You ever gonna get back in the group? And what they don't realize is y'all a couple years ago said, Stay out of there. And it's not that I stay out of the Silver Group, I'm there every day reading stuff and being inspired by, But it's just the situation. Now if I comment on it, then I get messages and then I'm having to be the middleman between you and getting them, cause y'all know, y'all know how to fix something on the back end, you know, are fixing account are looking into on the counter and I get the support. And then it's like I didn't get my workmen, so they're like, you just can't say nothing.

spk_1:   1:18:51
A lot of times, if you are answering a lot of them because you're the man like you are that and I'll be out like, you know, a lot of times, if you are in there answering a lot, we saw this happen. Other people don't tend to chime in as much because they're gonna wait for you to get to get it to get to it. And I think what what I've enjoyed saying is out might see a question and and I'm like, Wow, before I can even answer, There's, like, five or six and correctly and they're so passionate about like they love it, they can't wait to get to it and offer there opinion about it or their This is how you do this, right? Because once you have this in you, it's just like a, um you wanna share it? It's I always, you know, it's a little pay it forward thing, like I did it and I'm having success at it. And I think encouraging other people keeps me having makes me holds me accountable, too. So I think when people can get on there and they know the answer, it's like, Oh, I know that when I can answer that and then says, sometimes if you are in there answering. Then it can make other people. Maybe d'oh! I'll wait till the, you know, till till the teacher speaks or what

spk_0:   1:19:57
leaders? Well, we we really started understand this a long time ago. Um, this is not my showboat with It's not yours to theirs were just part of it. So it truly is a body like the Bible talks about the body of Christ. It's a body, and all of us have a different function on the body. And we're a bunch of friends, brothers and sisters for those of you in the South. But friend were friends helping friends overcome food addiction, obesity, the unintended consequences of it. So it's it's a beautiful thing to watch. It's a beautiful thing to watch. So with that said, anything else before I go into the finale here? No, sir, I'm ready. Well, first off, we're glad that you joined us. Glad you tuned in. Appreciate you supporting the podcast supporting shibboleth. Um, if you want to be notified when I do live video some of those air public, many are members only classes. If you want to be notified that all that stuff, all that content ends up in the website. But if you wanna be notified regarding the live ones so that you can interact, engage and chat with the others, they're going through the same thing. Text the word Travis to your A V. I s Travis. 23196 Travis, 231996 That will allow me to text you and let you know what the link is of the life feed that I'm about to do. Whether it be now, when it's a members, only one. If you're not a member, you're not gonna be able to get in because the link won't allow it. Um, well, actually, it does now, but first class, it's free. We'll just say that I'll go into that. The first class is always free. Ah, but then this is a lot. This cost a lot less than one might think. Right now we're running a special, helps us keep that support team that we were talking about an Arctic team, which is invaluable. We would not be able to reach more than a couple 100 people by ourselves, right? This is our life. We do it 24 7 So we would the prices wouldn't be what they are, and we wouldn't be able to help us. Many people. We would be just more like wellness coaches, you know, and have a career as opposed to this being more of a ministry than a business. And it's right now we're running Ah, so we can keep things going. We're running a special. It's a lifetime membership that you'd have to go to a special website, too. Get that offer. It's www dot the lifetime membership dot com www dot the lifetime membership dot com. If you're listening to this in the future, you may see a landing page. It says this offer's expired, so get it while it's out there and available. Debbie Debbie Debbie dot the lifetime membership dot com It's $59.95 for a lifetime of education support. Love someone asked just a week ago What his lifetime mean? That means as long as I'm alive and as long as you're alive Ah, that's what that means. So take advantage of that. And so I said, that's really all I've got for this broadcast. Okay. What about you? Any parting words?

spk_1:   1:23:28
Um, what do you saying that I'm Oh, Woody, I'll say in the in the church sometime. I'm sad you, when you say you're done You said Okay, now I don't know, You know, you say I'm done. I'm peace. What do you say? You know what I'm talking about. Not going.

spk_0:   1:23:47
But that was get

spk_1:   1:23:48
where I'm satisfied.

spk_0:   1:23:49
What? What if we do this Aloha. Uh,

spk_1:   1:23:53
hello, Ideo

spk_0:   1:23:54
Lola. All right. Yeah, Until the next time. Have a happy Easter. I hope you have amazing day with family and with with friends. Even if that means only through technology. I know oddly we've been We pay a hefty monthly fee for it because of the way that were you zoom. But they also have free programs. They don't work for us and what we do. But Zoom's always when we've had any technical issue. They've been right on it. The other day we're having technical issues and I got in the queue to get some help and support. And I was 432nd in the queue. And after an hour I was still in the four hundreds, which told me that everybody in the United States, maybe across the planet Oh, he is using Zoom to connect with other people you know through through video and chad or whatnot. So hopefully you're you've got connections. You're making connections and feeling the love today. I hope you do. God bless you out. Thank you for teaching me and Sasha. As always. I love you and thank you.

spk_1:   1:25:02
I love you. Thank you.