The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis Episode #4 ~ Overcoming late night munchies and moving away from home
The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis
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The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis
The Shibboleth Jam Podcast with Sasha and Travis Episode #4 ~ Overcoming late night munchies and moving away from home
Apr 17, 2020 Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode, Sasha and Travis discuss ways to overcome the desire for late-night munchies with behavior modification techniques and thinking about delayed gratification as a greater pleasure than instant gratification.  They also discuss replacing bad habits with new and good habits.  

00:01 Introduction
03:30 Get The AdvoCare Spark.
06:22 How to control after 7 PM!
08:16 You're an addict.
10:30 There's no weight loss pill to fix it.
12:00 Look at your Goals.
15:06 How do you fix it when your vision is not enough?
19:10 The power is in your mind.
19:55 Have to get the right tool.
22:30 Find some new enjoy.
23:14 Mental Medicines.
30:30 It evolves with you.
32:38 You're not doing your best.
34:22 We have the replacement for it.
37:56 Put a blue light in your fridge.
38:58 Your worst looking picture.
45:00 You have to focus on yourself.
46:56 You got to think more deeply about everything.
48:28 I like things how they work.
49:00 Mutual Submission.
53:35 So?
54:00 I am not immune to making excuses.
55:45 What if someone does not have much time for this whole thing?
58:06 You've got the same time that you were having before.
01:00:10 Subconsciously you just want to get back home. 
01:01:22 The beauty of our program.
01:04:25 Its not those days that bothers me.
01:05:17 We Just need on your perfect days to make them truly perfect.
01:07:00 The Tiger's eye 3-day lockdown challenge. 
01:11:56 We've to find something else to occupy mind.
01:13:36 Shibboleth Meals.
01:14:18 Blow Torch Fat.
01:15:35 Or Lifetime Membership Special.
01:15:47 "TRAVIS" to 31996.
01:20:03 Closing.

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