The Enterprise Doctor Business Show

Andy Steer and Jill Shatz guest on The Business Show on Marlow FM 3rd March2022

Mark Harris / Andy Steer / Jill Shatz Season 6 Episode 15

My guests on The Business Show on Marlow FM on 3rd March 2022 were Jill Shatz and Andy Steer, who joined me for business conversations and some great music – you can connect with them at and respectively. 

As a nod to Jill’s kitchen business, I kicked the show off with Jona Lewie and “You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties ”.  Hear it at

I spoke first to Jill about Newleaf Kitchens and what makes them special.  For her, it’s all about the design.  We also talk about the pleasure (or otherwise!) of having your spouse as your business partner.

Andy Steer also talked about the separation of work life and home life, before talking about the ways that Vividly Simple helps businesses with their IT challenges.

“Up on the Roof” by The Drifters was Andy’s choice of music, as it will make him think of his upcoming holiday, being up on the roof of his destination, with a glass of wine and some nibbles.  You can hear it at

Jill’s choice of business news story for us to discuss can be found at - there are many personal and business issues around fuel price increases and we explore them here.

Her music choice, heavily influenced by her childhood memories, was Madness with “Our House” which is at

Andy’s choice of story for us was the one at - we addressed the really challenging question of how business should now engage (or disengage) with Russian suppliers or customers.

Our final conversation was my choice – you can find it at - could this be the end of built-in obsolescence and is it a good business model?

The song I played for Andy was Kraftwerk’s “Computer Love” which is at .

You can contact Andy or Jill through their LinkedIn profiles above, and Andy’s website is at

Jill’s website is at , her Instagram is @newleafkitchens and people can find them on Houzz at

You can connect with me at and join our Facebook group at  My website is at

Clips of all episodes are at - please subscribe there, and within your podcast app!

Copyright Marlow FM Ltd 2022.  Reproduced here by kind permission of Marlow FM Ltd.