The Enterprise Doctor Business Show

Why join a Chamber of Commerce?

May 14, 2022 Mark Harris / Paul Britton / Richard Collins Season 7 Episode 5

It’s a rare occurrence for me to have two guests on The Business Show, but that’s what happens on today’s episode of The Business Show, which features Paul Britton, Chief Executive of Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Richard Collins, who as well as running CSR Accreditation, is President of the Buckinghamshire Chamber of Commerce, one of the constituents of Paul’s organisation.

We talk first about how Paul came to be doing what he’s doing, and how Richard became a Local President.

Paul then explained the set-up of the Chamber, which is part of a UK and global network, and more importantly perhaps, what that means for members.

I discussed with both guests the role of local chambers, which is around driving change and contributing to the Chamber’s Business Manifesto.

Membership of the Chamber has changed from employment-based membership to a new model and we talk about why that was recently implemented, and the outcome so far.

Of clear interest to members is the differentiator - what does the new model mean in terms of cost, and how do members measure their return on investment.

To get in touch with Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce go to while their membership info is at and an overview of what they offer is at .

You can connect with Paul Britton at

 Richard Collins is open to connection at whether you want to talk about the Buckinghamshire Chamber or CSR Accreditation, and you can find info on the latter at .

 If you want to connect with me, to talk about the mentoring and coaching I deliver to small businesses, or if you think you'd be a good guest on the show, please do let me know. You can do that via .

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