Talking Technology with V I Labs

NCBI Labs Technology Live Event 56

NCBI Season 2 Episode 29

On the show this week we're delighted to have back with us Stephen Howell, Senior Program Manager with Microsoft Ireland. Stephen tells us about the latest accessibility features and enhancements to look forward to in Windows 11.

We also find out from Stephen all there is to know about the much-anticipated Surface Adaptive Kit being brought out by Microsoft to make its hardware more accessible. Showcased at the recent Microsoft Surface Event, the Adaptive Kit features a variety of tactile and high-contrast labels to help people with impaired vision identify keyboard keys, ports, and cables more easily.

Finally, we reveal our top tips and tricks to try out with the Apple HomePod Mini smart speaker, including making calls, sending texts, and playing music.

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hello and welcome to ncbi labs

so you're very welcome to this week's

live event from ncbi labs this is jude

maher here back in the hot seat this

week after daniel Dunne stood in for

the last show i always like listening to

the show when i'm not in it i can rob

good ideas from them as well so glad to

hear daniel doing the the show the last


daniel uh thanks very much for looking

after that did you did you get a bit of

a taste for it by any chance


did dude and i'll tell you one thing

it's safe to say your job is safe

do you know what i i was so glad to get

that on on a live event here that you

said you did get a taste for it can i

just reiterate that you did get


good to have you with us again this week

as well daniel

good stuff and jp corcoran is back with

us as well and this week and he'll be

making sure to keep us up to date with

our tech news a little bit later on any

preview for it jp what can we expect in

this tech news this week sure dude and

welcome back to the live event this week

dude great to have you back with us um

yeah so for tech news today we're going

to be going through uh some new commands

that we can use with offline in in ios

15 with siri

lots of things with siri now offline

like setting timers alarms opening up

apps changing our um accessibility

features and turning them on but we'll

be going to all that later along with

one or two issues actually come up as

well in ios 15


using the feature to siri to check email

and send email and check your call

history some issues around that as well

but we'll go into all that later on the


very good thank you so we look forward

to that a little bit later on as well

and we have regular joe lonergan joining

us later on as well so welcome back joe

what what are you going to be talking to

us about today joe

hi jude um i'm going to be talking about

the apple homepod mini uh some of its

features and um how it might be useful

for you if you're in the if you're an

apple user

very good excellent so plenty to look

forward to on the show all coming up a

little bit later on of course and

throughout the show for anyone who wants

to get in touch please do you can do

that through the q a panel on microsoft

teams or of course you can email us at

labs at ncbi dot ie but first of all

this week we're going to be talking

about windows 11 among other things and

to help us with that it's my pleasure to

welcome back to the show senior program

manager with uh microsoft

uh stephen howell you're very welcome


thank you jude it's lovely to be welcome


good to have you back we had some great

uh feedback about your last appearance

on the show and i just have to apologize

for that like i'll try and do better

this time you know you know what

i was going to say don't let that go to

your head because that was also a show

that i wasn't done so that might explain


where we see a pattern emerging here

yeah that's it yeah that's it i tell you

what i'm always quick to pick up anybody

else who's been on the show when i

haven't been on the shows have been

going so well so you know let's let's go

let's go with that

very good so great to have you back with

us anyway this weekend uh as we said

we're going to be talking about um

windows 11. we're also going to mention

a bit about the surface adaptive kit

a little bit later on as well but maybe

just to start with um stephen would you

mind just kind of outlining a little bit

for us

um just

about windows 11 what what is it when

was it released

uh just give us the kind of bare bones

if you like

well windows 11 is our new baby it's the

operating system that a lot of people

have on their computers like a laptop or

a desktop and most people you know don't

think deeply about what operating system

they have you know it should get out of

the way and help you do whatever it is

you need to do

so we're very excited because it doesn't

happen very often that there's a big big

new release of an operating system this

one's brand new it's literally just out

and some people already have it might be

listening already have it and some will

be getting it in the future or have the

option of getting it so it's all very

new it's all very interesting and i

think for most people it's something you

don't think about very often but i think

some of your listeners will be very

happy to hear about some of the new

features that are in this new operating


yeah very good well just speaking of uh

maybe you can just outline some of the

features that are in the the new

operating system for us

well from my use of it and i'm not

always using a screen reader sometimes

i'm experimenting with different

accessibility technologies but the one

big thing that jumps out to me

speaking as someone who's interested in

the accessibility features in particular

is that it's streamlined it's focused


in the past there might be accessibility

features you wanted but you had a bit of

menu hunting to find the exact right bit

of control panel that had the settings

that you wanted

and now it's one key press it used to

bring up the ease of access that they

called it now it's windows accessibility

or straight in

and it's not just that sort of visual

front end that's been streamlined behind

the scenes i don't want to get too geeky

and nerdy about the guts of an operating

system but for anyone who's technical

out there any software engineers or

developers or interested in it you'd be

interested to hear that the pipelines

behind the scenes that do all the

accessibility integration with

third-party tools they've been updated

as well so there's been a real focus on

making it may easier to get started with

the accessibility find the features you

want switch them on and get working with

them straight away so it's been a i

would say a very um very clear to me

when i'm using it that the polish and

the focus has gone into that sort of a

user experience so accessibility is not

just oh yeah by the way there might be

an accessibility feature there in our

app that you like it's front and center

in the operating system so you can get


straight away without getting lost in

the settings

excellent very good and and obviously

that would be the kind of biggest

part of what a lot of people um

listening and will will be interested in

just as kind of a little bit of a thing


to give us context with that what would

be some of the other kind of features if

you were explaining just about how

windows 11 is different from windows 10

in general even outside of the

accessibility issues so outside of

accessibility it's actually very similar

to what i said the the main thing most

people notice when they're using it is

that there is a

consistent look and feel which is very

to me

i don't know what word to use i keep

thinking of the word shiny but i don't

think that's the word that i should

officially use but it just seems

prettier and it seems to get straight to

the point for me so i'm one of those

people and i don't know if you are but

maybe some of the people listening when

i get a computer i

spend a lot of time making it my

computer and i change every setting to

exactly the way i want it now most

people don't do that i know that and i'm

an old crusty guy i've been working on

computers for so long i remember like my

first windows was windows 2.1 not 11. so


used to going into the guts and making

it the way i like it and i didn't have

to do that much of that this time i

could set a few things the way i liked

it but mostly it was already the way i

liked it and that was really really

unusual to that that that you're really

quickly up and running

if you're using it in a

like the mode i use it i'm a developer

i'm creating content i want that content

to be

um front and center of everything i do

if i sit down at my computer today i

don't have to say what was i working on

yesterday evening when i switched off

the computer and went off for my dinner

no there's your files ready to go it

reminds you what you're working on and

you can go find whatever you're working

on in different apps very quickly the

new menus bring

where you were productive yesterday to

the for so you can get productive again

and that's just little things like that

it's the polish

it's the workflow it's how do you

get productive with your computer

because it shouldn't be always noticing

the operating system is there it should

nearly fade into the background and let

you be productive and that's what i find

and i notice about it and again i'm not

always using the same accessibility

technology that some of your listeners

will be using i don't have jaws

installed but

i i am confident that if someone said

can you install jaws and test it out

that that wouldn't be a struggle for me

because the system knows what i'm trying

to do and supports me on that journey so

streamlined and lots of little sort of

um window dressing like little widgets

and like things yeah where you expect

them to be

and that for me is really nice so again

it's hard to put your finger on exactly

the big difference i mean a lot of

people are talking about the android

apps being integrated

that feature hasn't arrived yet but it's

being announced so things like that i

think would be very cool but you'll have

to get me on maybe next year to talk

yeah i'm afraid yeah yeah absolutely

yeah well definitely we'll have you back

on the show to talk about that that'll

be great i think you've kind of answered

this already anyway in in the the

previous questions but even just i think

it bears kind of


uh quite pointedly almost just even for

those other um

changes to the operating system that

wouldn't necessarily be

accessibility focused

it sounds like there's there's not

really going to be any

um sort of follow-on if you like from

from an accessibility point of view

there's nothing that's an issue that's

created by one of these other changes it

sounds as if it's quite logical in the

in the way that it's presented so it

won't cause any accessibility issues

either well well i haven't hit any yet

personally speaking and i haven't heard

of any and though that doesn't mean

someone won't discover something and

there's there's this thing in software

development that many of your listeners

will know the law of unintended

consequences sometimes you make a fix on

something it might be for security or

maybe update i don't know something to

use the printer or something and you've

no no realization something so complex

like you're talking millions and

millions of lines of code

thousands of people working on this one

thing that you accidentally and

unintendedly cause an issue somewhere

else so i'm not going to say it'll never

ever be an issue with an accessibility

feature that could happen anytime with

any system but i am confident that the

way they've approached designing in the

new accessibility features and they've

worked with so many external partners

they've worked with so many different

communities like your own

and they have gotten so much

really useful usable and real

information and feedback about what's

really needed and how it should really

work that that sort of overall approach

to developing software

means that

there shouldn't be any uh there

definitely any intentional things yes

you know and of course there's always

new features coming for instance we're

talking today on teams and i've spoken

to several uh people who are listening

who contacted me saying when i try to do

this on teams with this screen reader in

this menu there's this issue and of

course that's amazing because i wouldn't

know that and i can then feed that back

to a team who can then say oh we didn't

know that or we did know it and we'll

add it to the list of things that we we

have to fix or or look at so you know

it's an evolving process but so far if

you're comfortable and using windows 10

and being productive and effective and

all your stuff is using working with it

microsoft's uh windows operating system

you know as i said i've windows 2.1 here

and it's famous for being backwards

compatible so it's very very rare i mean

there's whole teams dedicated that if

you have a piece of software which works

on windows now

it is very unusual that it won't work on

the next windows and you could even

probably go back some windows and it

would still work and like as a software

engineer i'm embarrassed to say that i

have written software that ran on um you

know i want to say windows 7 but if i'm

honest it was even earlier than that

and i i wrote that software from about

the age of 18 and i'm in my 40s now and

my 17 year old well he's 18 next month

was on ty work experience last year

and they showed him some software

sitting on an ancient dell that i had

written when i was nearly his age and

they were afraid to upgrade the computer

for fear that software would stop

working yeah yeah yeah and i'm delighted

to say through no amazing coding skill

of my own the software worked just fine

when my son upgraded the computer to a

modern desktop simply because the

software talks to the operating system

and the smart operating system talks

back to the software it doesn't say oh

no no i i don't know who you're talking

to here i don't live here anymore i'm a

new version i mean it just works

so you shouldn't notice any huge

shocking changes

and if you are worried about that if

you're comfortable on windows 10 it's

working for you and you haven't gotten a

message about upgrading yet you know

there's nothing to stop you continuing

being productive and working on windows


it's not going to stop working tomorrow

i mean it'll be years of security

updates for your windows 10. it's not as

if you're suddenly going to have no

computer in the morning if you don't

update straight away so this is

something to look forward to in the

future when it comes your way

and you can even test it out and you can

figure out will it do what i need it to

do but it shouldn't be a sudden shock to

the system certainly not and it hasn't

been for me

interacting with it i would hope it

won't be for for any of the listeners

and to be honest we mentioned kind of

quite a few times anytime there's a new

version of something brought out or a

new product in some way that feedback is

always kind of the lifeblood of making

sure that there's

kind of the changes that are needed as

well so if there is some sort of uh

thing that plays into that law of

unintended consequences and somebody

notices feed it back

and look

we love feedback i mean genuine

constructive feedback particularly from

a community that are doing something

specialized like your own is always

welcome and you know

it's it's wonderful to see the feedback

that's coming

about screen readers and teams and

windows and office and everything else


on the inside even though you can't see

it you might think it goes nothing ever

happens but i can actually see it being

actioned and and looked at so that's

wonderful that it's not just ignored

your feedback is valued and it is read

and you know if at all possible they do

try to achieve achieve a good uh

resolution for you

yeah very good there's just a question

that's coming there about um zoomtext

software um which we might mention to

you as well um there's a magnifier

reader zoom

zoomtext software

uh user here and uh are there any issues

with that

so i don't know if you've had a

particular chance to well i'm just

trying to specifically is it the

magnifier just to clarify is it the

magnifier the magnifier reader okay uh

sorry um with zoomtext

zoomtext software so it's a separate so

if it's third party i haven't actually

used that but i haven't on the list of


accessibility issues i haven't seen that

on the list but that doesn't mean it's

not there because i wasn't looking for

it and i just missed it but uh one thing

i would say the magnifier in windows has


is there and

is working so if there's is any issue

you can test that out but another one

that i use is zoom it which is not quite


not quite a zooming screen reader it's

more for when you're presenting and

you're trying to focus on something but

uh it's so far so good um no issues

there so

if it's working well in windows 10 i

would give as an answer i i would hope

that there'd be no issue with it working

on windows 11 but you can actually email

the team and i'll actually share not

email there's a

a webinar coming up dedicated on these

type of things and you can actually

attend that and they will probably know

better than me on that specific

third-party app question

speaking of which do you want to give us

the details of the is that okay upcoming

good well yeah so it's the windows 11

accessibility overview and i'll give a

link to it but hector minto who i think

you know yeah and uh

jeremy curry will be presenting now

unfortunately it's on u.s time so it'll

be kind of late in the evening for us

but not too late hopefully so it's

october 27th 12 to 1

in the pacific times that's over in

seattle but for those of you who are

interested in windows 11 with a screen

reader there's another webinar uh coming

up on november 17th

12 to 1 again on


with jeff bishop ann taylor and brett

humphrey who all work in windows

accessibility and teams

and i think there would be no better

webinar to attend to get some of those

really interesting

nitty gritty type questions that

unfortunately i don't know all the

details of yet because i'm still

learning and figuring it out but um


i'd be

happy to share that link and i think

you'll be really really good if anyone

listening taught and they have an hour

free in the evening of october 27th or

november 17th

it would be worth attending absolutely

yeah great and of course anybody can

check back the uh the recording of this

interview as well on youtube or the

podcast to get those details as well um

so that that's ideal yeah brilliant um

now obviously kind of

we we put that question to you you

weren't ready you weren't particularly

ready for that question because we're

talking mostly about the kind of the

initial kind of phase of the rollout and

just the major differences um but we

appreciate as well

that these things are ones that uh

whenever there's any specifics it's

always going to be awkward in an

interview like this but we'll definitely

back to that actually can i just say i

welcome those questions

you know i wish i knew the answers but

you know if i actually knew the answers

to every single

third-party software that works with

windows um

i would be amazing and so

it's it's it's worth understanding that

it is quite possible when you have

certain combinations of software

computer hardware

and specialist software that's very

useful to you that you may accidentally

be the expert in ireland on it even

though you know intentions of it because

you're using something that happens to

be unique or specialized and then

there's some times something that

everyone knows about because it's so


and you're just using a different way to

everyone else and that's happening to me

so so i won't always know the answer

but i would encourage anyone listening

uh to ask the question don't don't don't

be afraid to ask just because i don't

know i don't mind i don't know i'll do

my best to answer it if i don't exactly

yeah it triggers us to go and find the

answer so that's that's a good question

so just before we move on to the surface

adaptive kit for for anybody who is sort

of thinking okay windows 11 i've heard a

bit about it i like what i'm hearing

how do i upgrade is it something that's

going to be kind of prompted to them if

they're eligible for an upgrade if you

like or if their system is compatible or

do they need to go out and instigate it

so you can do both but i would

differentiate between the listener who's

a user at home like i am using their

computer you know for whatever reason

maybe it's school maybe it's college

maybe it's their work but it's not

supplied by work so it's not your work

desktop or laptop and i know what kovid

a lot of us are working at home and

there might be a big distinction between

your home computer and your work

computer but many people might still

have a personal laptop and a work laptop

or a desktop that they go to and they

might have slightly different software

set up on it and maybe they have windows

10 on their home device because when

they bought it in in the shop it came

with it and maybe they have windows 10

or whatever on their work device because

that's what work gave them and you know

they said thank you and started working


to differentiate between the two

your work will decide your i.t people

and you may be the ideal person in your

work and when windows 11 gets rolled out

to your fleet of computers and that will

depend on each company deciding when how

and what they do

for the uh average home user like like

me and uh hopefully like many of the

listeners and your computer if it is um

possible to run it and compatible and

all that

uh will pop up a message you know you

are eligible to update and it's a free

update for the home users who are on

windows 10 already

and you can say yes i'll update or you

can put it off and you'll still get

security updates on windows 10 but

eventually you won't be getting fancy

new features that you might want to try

out that are only on windows 11 so

you'll have to make that choice yourself

yeah for for most people it'll be a

um it's your turn now do you want to get

this or not a lot of people don't read

those messages but please read them and

uh the update is fairly seamless and

painless you might even notice it's

happening i know some people

have told me that their computer has to

do an update they didn't read it they

hit yes next thing it's all updated and

shiny and you know they

they didn't realize it was

the process was that simple and i think

if you're my age you remember installing

you know an operating system could take

a while and could be complex and none of

that anymore it's a very streamlined

update system and in fact it's really

hard to explain it because there's not

much to it i mean unless something goes

horribly wrong which thankfully hasn't

happened to anyone i know yet uh it's it

sort of happens by itself and it'll ask

you but you don't you

you have to read it and decide if that's

what you want the other thing i would

note is if you really really wanted you

know right now you can join a program

and saying i want to test it out on my

computer and all that but you know i

would say for unless you're a techie a

developer i wouldn't i would just let it

arrive when it's good and ready and

there will be some people whose computer

is too old to run it and that is

possible but you know

it is there's a certain set of computers

that are either of a certain age or

missing a certain feature for security

reasons that may not be able to run it

right now

that could change i'm not on that team

that decides what works when and where

and how and all that but it's really

interesting to see that you know if i

go out to buy a computer today the shop

will tell me

this has got windows 10 and now but it's

windows 11 compatible and they'll

confirm that with me because you know i

could be back to that shop if i can't

get the latest and greatest thing

because i just bought it so if santa is

bringing a computer to you this year


and you know if it's running windows

it'll either already be running windows

11 or capable of it and you shouldn't

have to worry too much

if you bought your computer years ago

there could be an issue but don't worry

you can check it out before you jump so

it'll tell you if there's an issue so

don't worry you won't be left without a

computer okay

very good

just just while we still have you uh

stephen because i noticed uh we've just

got you for another few minutes just

before we finish up tell us a little bit

about the surface adaptive kit because

that was announced recently as well

maybe just even mentioned to us

what exactly is the surface adaptive kit

so this is very new and it's really

really um

unusual i actually was on a call with

our head of accessibility jenny lay

flurry when this was uh announced and

it's you know at first

it's hard to for people outside the

community to really get what it is but i

think everyone listening will will like

this so

it's a series of stickers and uh bumpy

stickers so you you know they're


and different shapes and

they are very strong stickers so you can

actually attach some of them to your

laptop lid and it's strong enough to you

know they're a type of plastic that's

strong enough to attach a cord and

literally open a laptop without tearing

the sticker which you can imagine would

happen if you had a normal sticker and

they're shaped so that they fit keys and

certain different keys and different

parts of your device so you might have a

bumpy x that's near where your charging

port is on the side of your device and

it doesn't i know it's called a surface

kit and they do fit the surface keys

perfectly but you could attach it to

anything as long as the shape fits a

bunch of space just put the sticker

and the bumps are very tactile i'm told

but i'm going to be honest folks they're

not out in ireland yet and i haven't

gotten mine yet they didn't send me one

to try out

the nice thing about this um

is that uh what i'm told from the people

who do have them is that the textures is


discernible you can tell one texture

from the other

and they are there's different shapes

different textures and the shapes are

symbols so like dots circles dashes and


and then there's some i'm not sure how

to properly describe it but they're like

latches i would call them and so they

have places to put a cord so you could

maybe attach them to a device where you

need to hold it and you maybe only have

one arm to hold it and maybe you need to

open a laptop lid and everyone thinks

hey you just hold the base of the laptop

you hold the lid with your other hand

and you move them apart well what if you

have only one arm you mean how do you

make it so that it's easy for you to

open your laptop lid

and this is the type of thing that many

of your listeners will be used to

putting something uh that's sticky or

textured in places where they need to

press say maybe a button on their

computer that's not obvious which button

it is or it's not maybe it's very

recessed and it's you know you have to

actually know where it is

to press it it's not sticking out and

well that's what this is focused on

making it easy for you to customize and

find your device

simple idea

nice uh nice implementation they're

colorful they look pretty i wish i could

say i had them on my device i will have

them as soon as they give me one but uh

they haven't they haven't come out here

yet i don't have a release date so um

they are they the price in america is

very affordable i'm hoping it'll be

similar here but i don't have prices or

release dates here yet but it's already

in the microsoft store which is an

online store where you can buy stuff but

there's no price yet so there it is

coming you can see that

hopefully it will appear um soon and uh

i will be getting one myself at home

here uh to customize my own devices and

uh i will definitely update the

the podcast when when they do arrive i

don't get any yes i'm afraid but yeah

very good feedback on anyone who does

get them as well yeah yeah absolutely

and uh certainly sounds like it's an

aptly named surface adaptive kit so it's

uh yeah really useful one one that

hopefully will get a bit feedback on

when people do start getting those as

well so really good to have you on the

show with us this week thank you

appreciate your time as well and we look

forward to having you back on at some

point ah that's wonderful and uh i

really really enjoyed both times now

i've been on this podcast and thank you


um the uh lovely chat and uh i hope to

see you all soon take care great to talk

to you thanks very much steven so that

was stephen howell senior product

manager with microsoft and of course if

you have any questions about what we've

been talking about there


you can get in touch with us on the q a

panel on microsoft teams or you can

email us

at labs at ncbi dot ie you'll be able to

listen back of course to that interview

as well on youtube or on any of the

podcast platforms as well let us know if

you've already upgraded to windows 11 or


the surface adaptive kit comes out if

you uh have the opportunity to get your

hands on that let us now know how how

you get on with that as well

so our thanks to stephen for joining us

there but we're going to move on with

the show now we're going to change tack

a little bit and we're we're going to be

talking now about the world of smart


for a little bit we've covered the the

amazon echo and the google home or the

google nest as they are now but we

haven't yet looked at the apple approach

to the smart speaker so today we're

going to talk a little bit about the

apple homepod mini and for this part of

the show joe lonergan is going to be

helping us out so you're welcome again

joe good to have you back with us hi

jude how's it going

yeah not too bad it's not too bad so joe

tell us a little bit about the the apple

homepod mini first of all actually

let's get the the most important thing

out of the way do you like it

i do i actually really like it yeah um

well first of all it's a it's a smart

speaker from apple and um

it only works with your apple products

so if you have an iphone or an ipad

um it'll work great with the apple

ecosystem yeah and um

so that that's that's your your your

first probably positive for someone

maybe negative rudders that don't have

apple devices but um

that means if you have an apple device

it's really easy to set up

so yeah

you can you can just hold your

iphone over the device and it will

recognize it's close by

and it will

a little notification will pop up

to set up the homepod mini

and you'll have to confirm your


apple id

and go to the next step

set up your accessibility click continue

and then siri will be ready to um take

commands from you on the homepod mini on

the speaker pretty good yeah it's very

good i'll tell you about the size of it

i suppose next year yeah yeah describe

the device itself for us yeah well it's

got a touchscreen on the top um

just a couple of little

touchscreen options on it i don't find

the touchscreen on the top that

that major useful really um

it's not as i suppose

easy to touch as a touchscreen on your

on your phone it's kind of takes a a a

little bit of a more definite tap or

something you know what i mean it's not

the exact same you can change it in the

in the settings if you want to mess

around with the

sensitivity of the touchscreen you can

mess around with that in device or

settings in the home app

but um under you have increased volume

and decreased volume and um

play and pause there



it's it's

round it's about

it's a little bit bigger than a tennis

ball and it feels a little bit like a

tennis ball because it has fabric

going all around it yeah apart from the

base which is plastic and the top which

is kind of a glassy glass maybe

perfect or glass substance

and the flex is really sturdy as well

it's kind of um

not like your normal flex it feels um

maybe stronger you know what i mean so

yeah um

in terms of just like comparison if

somebody's used to the the

amazon echo dot is is it similar sort of

size and shape

yeah the new echo dot is

the exact same shape it's circular as


but it's a tiny little bit the new echo

dot is a tiny bit smaller by about a

couple of centimeters

yeah as i said this is about an inch

bigger than a tennis ball

yeah yeah okay very good yeah so

so that gives us a bit of an idea about

the actual device itself and the kind of

first impression i feel like

how different is this is it basically

are we talking about just the same sort

of thing as the google nest device or

the amazon echo and it's pretty much

exactly the same and it doesn't really

make any difference

well no it's not the exact same um

it's different in some ways it is a

smart speaker and it is very smart um

but it probably doesn't connect to as

many services because you are

locked into the apple ecosystem so you

have to do things through the

home kit app

so um whatever connects with the home

kit app will work with it

there um for example

you can't listen to audio you can't ask

to listen to audio books or audible you

you have to play the audible book on

your phone first and then

bring the phone over to the homepod

minion player that way


it it does play music it does listen to

radio stations um

well one of the i suppose one of the

bigger bonuses to it or has over some of

the other speakers is you can make phone


on it to any number you know what i mean


as opposed to the amazon

echo dot or the um google home you have

to go through

google duo to make phone calls and uh

um echo you have to use the amazon

um alexa app

and you have to add your contacts

through there whereas this will

once your phone is is

in the vicinity you can

just say that

uh i don't want to activate it nobody

can say the siri word and you can make a

phone call i'll demonstrate it now in a

minute but um other things you can do

and you can you can set timers um

you can play ambient

sounds in the background like forest

sounds ocean

um nighttime sounds that kind of thing

just to help you relax or

yeah maybe play a white noise in the

background maybe help the baby go sleep

duck anything um you can set calendar

events on it as well


as i said it's really good for apple

users so you can you can ask it to find

your iphone if your iphone goes missing

and it'll play a sound on your iphone


if you subscribe to apple music

the sound of the apple homepod mini is

amazing so for the size of it really it

is amazing

and again that's going to be quite an

important thing to to people when you

are getting a smart speaker and people

who use it quite a bit for

for music you're going to want the sound

quality to be to be up there as well so

yeah it's good to know that that's right

we have a few demos um kind of arranged

and prepared for us i think one or two

anyway um joe you're always a fan of the

live demo


i'm always a bit nervous

so let's see how this goes

so um

i suppose i'll i'll

try by sending a text message just so as

i said it sends a normal text message

and one of the bonuses also

over the other speakers you can also

send a whatsapp message

yes so um

i'll send one to one of our team uh

john um jp so i've been doing with john

paul here um

so i'm going to say

send a text message to john paul cochran

i'm sorry hey siri send a text message

to john paul cochran

what do you want to say

hey jp how are you i hope you get this


your message to john paul cochran says

hey jp how are you i hope you get this


ready to send it


yes great i said sometimes it's um

reaction is slightly slower but um it's

still fine you know

um so i can see it it does a good job on

sending a message i'm going to um

call j jp um i don't want i don't want

him to answer um

and then i can um

i can check the message then see did um

he replied to me so i'll just show you

how i make a quick phone call and i'm

going to hang up with siri

before he answers so i'm going to say

hey siri call john paul kirkhorn

calling john

i'm going to let it ring three times and

then i'm going to hang up

hey siri hang up


and you see so you could do that in a

normal phone call as you can imagine

and i find it really good as a desk kind

of uh accessory an apple desk it says

because i can make phone calls on it and

put um

people on obviously loudspeaker you know

and the microphone is really excellent

it's um anybody that has spoke to me on

the homepad mini i said uh are you

talking on your earphones or or what you

know what i mean because it's

so good and it sounds good at a distance

as well



you've got uh jp corcoran there is the

recipient it's great when he's already

on the call here we can we can just

verify everything the actual work

totally is just saying notice jp uh

muted his microphone so we couldn't hear

his ringtone we wanted to hear what

ringtone he had

you'll have to take my word for it the

text message was received and the call

was a incoming call as well but uh no

very very handy feature though joe um

being able to use your voice on the

homepod to to be able to make calls and


yeah i kind of saying about reading text

messages as well yeah

like imagine that that's really useful

for some people um especially anybody

has any trouble accessing there

some other things on the phone i i know

it's really important to be really

proficient on voice over but sometimes


or if you want if you want to just to do

things hand free in general it's handy

i'm going to check the text message now

see that i receive money back so i'm

going to say hey siri read my new text


you have new messages from john paul

cochran and super value

john paul cochran said hi joe best of

luck with the live demo

would you like to reply


what do you want to say

thanks jp

your reply to john paul cochran says

thanks jp

ready to send it yes

okay it's set as you can see you're

replying to mrs

it's really easy as well yeah no thanks

okay yeah let's not hear all the rest of

your message no because i don't want to

hear what um

you know

yeah yeah super value all the special

offers today

we won't waste your time yeah it's a

good thing that was the that was the

most recent text message from


but uh what's up what's that message

that really um i know it'll be more or

less the same thing but whatsapp


people who um that's one thing i don't

think you can do that on the other

speakers maybe i'm wrong but um i


seen it um been advertised yes as a

feature so

at least when you have um

the the homepod mini you can act you can

access whatsapp so i could say um

hey siri send a whatsapp message to john

paul cochrane

what do you want to say

hey jp this is another test message i

hope you get this

your whatsapp message to john paul

cochran says hey jp this is another test

message i hope you get this

ready to send it


okay it's sent

yeah and just not to be repetitive i

won't go through the same it's the same

experience again you can say um say read

my new whatsapp messages um but joe i

sent you a whatsapp message would you be

able to like can you read it you'll go

on i'll read it okay hey siri

read my new whatsapp messages

you have new messages in three


first john paul cochran said hi joe what

did you order value

would you like to reply

hey jp it's none of your business


your whatsapp reply to john paul cochran

says hey jp it's none of your business

ready to send

how easy that is to use you know it's

really yeah absolutely yeah

and if somebody's used to siri anyway on

their phone it's kind of basically the


idea isn't it the same operation if

somebody knows how to give voice

commands like that yeah exactly same

operation but add to what's after you

can't actually make well i tried earlier

to make a phone call


it didn't seem to work so it's it does

the messages but i don't think you can

do the calls um i'll i can try again

later but i haven't seen that worked

into whatsapp yet but look

even senator messing what's up that's a

great feature because everybody is


chat now

yeah absolutely i think you were you

were telling us about um one or two of

the other kind of features that

differentiate it from

the other smart speakers as well or at

least kind of quite quite good little

features i know that it's not always

hard to

set up um for example some of the the

other smart speakers it can be fairly

easy process you mentioned earlier about

how how easy it was to set up the

homepod mini bringing the your iphone


uh near to the speaker and it does the

the setup of itself there's there's

something else that that works for as

well isn't there the idea of bringing

the phone close to the speaker yeah

there's a handoff feature as well so if

you have um


on your phone and you played it for

example on youtube or something like


or spotify


any other

audio that comes out of your phone even

a phone call you can move your um

phone over near the speaker

and hold hold it above it or some people

say tap above above your phone like like

if you're tapping your card on a machine

basically um you can transfer the audio

from your phone onto the homepad mini

okay so is that something that you can

demonstrate for us i'm going to try and

try and do that now

so i'll see can i find some music

i'm gonna play

i'm gonna play something on on my phone


and it's and i

i'm going to hold it over the home part

and hopefully this works

yeah so it's transferred over now and i

can i'm gonna turn up the volume hey

siri volume sixty percent

so you'll probably hear it there now

let's play it at least your keys and if

i want to transfer it back for example

if i was leaving the house and i wanted

to put the

music back onto my phone and i'm leaving

the house i'm passing by the home part i

can hold the phone over the home pad


so i'm going to do that now

yeah there it is it's back on my phone


so i'm using the background back on my

phone yeah so

um that will work for any audio and i

found it good for using it on youtube

for example if i play youtube videos and

i have a playlist on youtube i can

actually ask

siri to go to the next video as well

when the videos are playing and um when

i'm watching my phone or um

maybe i'm watching with somebody else on

the phone that kind of thing and it's

great to have the external speaker

yeah very good that's great actually

just to to get that demo as well because

it's uh we can't obviously um

see how the the action works but we

could definitely hear the the difference

in the sound quality so we can tell when

it was successful it wasn't just it

wasn't just joel argue and tell us no no

it's all working fine actually

yeah and radio stations can be a bit

quirky on it sometimes so

yeah for example playing rt radio 1

sometimes it goes off and tries to play

something from apple music or whatever

so you have to be kind of specific and

say play

rt radio 1 from tuning our play rt1

radio put word radio afterwards um and

some radio stations will just play no

problem without adding the word radio


tuning at the end but generally i i

added just to be sure because it just

it's a quirky thing with little speakers

like this there's always um a couple of

things you might need to try if the

first attempt doesn't work

yeah very good yeah so and the ambient

sounds as well are really good on it um

if anyone is interested in that like

with our feet for meditation or

massage or as i said even getting

kids to sleep and i think it's they're

very realistic and um yeah yeah the

speaker is so good

it sounds so real you know so um that's

the command for that

um so if you want to say siri play

forest sounds

and then you can say if you want to hear

all the rest of the sound you say so you

play the net play next

and then keep saying next until you go

through all five different sounds i

think it i think it's five or maybe six

at the moment

very good

very good and joe a quick question um


i hope uh

i'm not putting you on the spot but the

if somebody wanted to get one of these

homepods and to just have an iphone but

they don't necessarily have you know

landline problem or any other

in-house wi-fi

is it possible to um

run these speakers without without um

wi-fi can it work off your 4g shared

hotspot or something like that i don't

think it's possible to do that and if

you just have one iphone in the house

okay i think you'll need either a second

if you're going that direction you might

need a second

iphone or one of those my fightings that

you can get i don't even know if they're

still available anymore but one of those

um portable wi-fi systems but i i think

it worked better if you had a proper

wi-fi system yeah yeah i don't imagine

it'd be

um you know

disturbing enough to keep the connection

all the time either you know what i mean

yeah thing like this would need a solid

broadband connection all the time i



you know i should have something else

another question about mine

because i know you you use different

smart speakers besides apple homepod you

know google and amazon

what kind of like um what proportion of

save up your time using smart speakers

would you say for example your amazon

echo versus your homepod mini versus

google nest like already have particular

features that you'd focus on one so for

example the calls text would you work

well with the apple homepod mini and

then for music you might use another one

or how to work on it i find i use the

homepod mini


lately i've been using it for music and

i've also been using it as a an office

speaker because of the calls feature


whereas the um echo

i use a lot for some of the other

features like um

it has audio audible on it audible


it connects to some some well i've

connected it previously to a lot of the

smart home things in my house

and it connects to a lot of other

different services so

the as i said the

echo is in the game a little bit longer

um and it

seems to have allowed a lot more

external services in but there is a

there might be a few hoops to

jump through for the apple one but you

still can connect to most of the

services and you can also connect siri

shortcuts to it so


there's a shortcuts app on your on your

iphone and you can run siri shortcuts

from the homepod mini so

there is ways of doing everything with

the homepod mini there just might be one

or two that helps you to jump through




yeah but i think you know

yeah it's a good overview of the homepod

many as well it gives us a good sense of

its strengths and

maybe weaknesses depending on what sort

of ecosystem you're you're a bit

invested in already yeah well defend

yeah that's the thing it only came out

in the summer so if you a lot of people

are already invested in some other

ecosystem so it's a little bit late to

party as such but it it is

possible to connect it so for example i

can i can show an example of um maybe


the heating on

i'll just give that a little demo there

so um hey siri turn up the heat and


warming to 24 degrees celsius

okay we're going to be

roasted downstairs

i can also lower the heat and so i can

say hey siri it's a good thing lower the

heating downstairs

celsius yeah well lowering it to the

five degrees i don't think you can we

can we can go that low down there but

thankfully but did you get the idea so

um that's connected to a hive thermostat

and um yeah you can connect it to lots

of other different thermostats um

i hope that you were saying that you can

you can lower the heating as well


if you were stuck with only ever


you'd be well roasted

yeah you can stop you can boost heat as

well you can stop it um

yeah you if you want to set a schedule

you have to go through the app

yeah other things we can do yeah i

probably i might have um


might mention that you can set a

reminder as you can set timers you can

set the calendar event which will sync

with your calendar on your iphone


pretty good

yeah very good

yeah it gives us a good overview of the

homepod mini we haven't uh we haven't

really talked about it too much since it

since it came out so it's good to get

that overview and get an idea of the the

main functions and some of the little

differences as well between between that

and the other offerings that are out

there as well so thanks very much for

taking us through that joe and all the

demos went well

you're welcome you're welcome

thank you

always always nice when the demos come

off without the interesting well as

usual thanks

you've always got faith in those

uh live demos

in wi-fi

yeah that's it yeah yeah

meanwhile while i pick myself up off the

ground in relief that it's that it's uh

another live demo has worked we'll uh

move move on to the last little bit of

our show because we're we're nearly at

the end of our show today but we do have

our tech news to cover as well and jp

you were telling us a little bit about

this earlier but uh tell us a bit more

about the

changes with siri that's right two

things i'd like to

so when you release an internet

connection or maybe your your connection

itself is a bit patchy um and of course

all this means that you won't get the

refrain frustrating employee sorry i

can't help you right now if you're um

don't have an internet connection

um just with this feature using siri

offline it's worth highlighting that you

don't need to enable offline siri in ios

15. it's actually on by default

it does work with commands

such as setting and changing timers or


opening up applications controlling

system settings

like for example dark and light mode

the volume can be controlled with siri

offline uh the flashlight can be turned

on and off

most probably significantly on the show

today with accessibility features like

voiceover can be turned on and off with

siri offline things like airplane mode

as well low power mode and even


things like playing a next or previous

song if you're in the in a music app

in terms of what doesn't work there are

going to be some limitations obviously


if you're offline and ask a request that

siri can't help you with you will hear

and can help with that when you're

connected to the internet so these kind

of requests will include uh text and

whatsapp messages uh facetime

phone calls anything that really

requires uh internet connection

um things like you know checking the

weather forecast reminders uh your maybe

more specific apps uh actions and


uh playing music as well and podcasts

and that includes actually downloaded uh

content it won't work

uh with siri um offline uh but it can be

very very helpful uh function for many


absolutely yeah that makes sense it does

it really does i've seen some

experiments as well as someone who's

used siri on an iphone which is uh

offline online very very clear that

offline siri is significantly faster in

responding to commands

and that's because the commands are

are processed internally on the phone

a quick one with that jp and you might

not have an answer for this but it's um

just if if you're online yeah and you

ask the same sort of things as

you as it can do offline does it does it

default to the offline mode like by my

honest by default it will give you the

quick answer instead of trying to

collect it's faster that's my

understanding dude it does uh however if

internet connection is required that's

my understanding but maybe then i'll be

into that but

um but yeah as i say it's any iphone

with an a12 chip which i think is the

iphone xs and upwards

most iphones nowadays will be able to

use the siri offline

but yeah it's certainly much faster it's

so it's all all the processing is done

internally on the phone as opposed being

sent to a server processed and then sent

back uh to your phone which you know can

take a bit of time

um so that's that's siri offline

um in terms of the other other thing i

mentioned a moment ago which is um this

was a little kind of a bit of a

limitation there with siri which is we


check our send email since it's really

ios 15.

so that was a really really welcome

feature we saw with offline siri

but a lot of users now uh who people who

upgraded to ios 15 are pointing out that

it's no longer possible to use siri to

check or send emails and that's actually

the case as well with someone who has an

iphone running ios 14.

so other functionality as well that's

been removed includes you can't access

your call history with siri uh such as

missed calls

siri will actually respond to say that i

can't help with that but you can ask me

to open the uh they can ask me to open

up the phone phone app

i mean the other way around this is

using voiceover is to go into your call

history go into your your mail app or

whichever application you're using to to

check and send email well it is i mean a

lot of chat to a lot of people who have

used siri and relied on siri to check

email um

disappointing for people and i suppose

that's the thing is that if you if

you're using

voiceover anyway you're kind of able to

um get by without an assistant without a

virtual assistant or whatever but you've

got that assistant in siri and if it's

suddenly not able to assist you with

something that you might rely on oh

that's it exactly and i'd find a lot of

people and maybe yourselves are the same

and joe maybe maybe

build away in this but maybe series use

in conjunction with voiceover so it's

maybe it's opening up an application uh

which you know

sending email but then maybe to

to complement that with voiceover or

whatever can be helpful

um i know there's been several requests

made to apple support to have this

function restored

and apple has responded by saying that

we are aware of this issue and it's

currently under review so we can hope

that this review will lead to the return

of some missing serial functions yeah

that's kind of unclear almost isn't that

whether whether it's the booger or not

it's almost like it could be deliberate

but it could be like there could be a

part of a kind of a wider

plan for it but um it could also be a

book they could be i know they're trying

to encourage a lot of users to

use the shortcuts app um

app workflows for tasks like sending


copy this is going to be convenient are

we straightforward for every everyone to

use yeah right

it doesn't look like a small step

backwards for siri you know and this is

the 10th

14th this week is the 10th anniversary

of syria and we want them to


better and more productive not go

anywhere backwards but um

we pointed out all the good things that

that came from the whole body like you

know so i mean


steps forward and slight step backwards

i wonder does siri go and look for you

know after 10 years you know and a pay

rise off of apple and this is her way of


she's on a semi strike

yeah yeah let us know if you if you get

that response when you try and send an

email i'm sorry i can't do that i'm on



yeah very good so that's kind of good to

know anyway even though the um

even though it's it's a bit of an

inconvenience really uh

to have that kind of limitation with

siri we noticed that the kind of pros as

well with offline siri but that that

limitation is a little bit difficult but

it's good to at least know about it it's

out there you know yeah hopefully they

will restore it

yeah your iteration yeah

yeah that's it

very good well thanks for taking us

through our tech news today jp and that

pretty much brings our show to a close

so hopefully you've enjoyed today's show

and just a reminder again of course that

if you need technology assistance you

can get support from the labs team from

nine to five monday to friday on 1800

9110 or you can email labs at

or you can access our wider services

on 1850 33 4353

or email info at and of course

we always appreciate your support of

ncbi if you'd like to make a donation to

help support our services you can do

that through donate.ncbi.i

just before we go just a reminder of

what we're going to be talking about in

future live events we're going to be

talking about amazon show so that's uh

that feature that function

is going to be uh discussed in our next

live event which is going to be


october the 26th i think the date is

wrong just on the slideshow there so

october 26th two weeks time

at 2 30. uh we're going to go through

that so we look forward to to that in

two weeks time we're also going to be

talking about the variety of smart

classes now that will be in one of our

future shows we're going to just talk

about some of the the uh

different types of smart glasses that

are out there are they any good what are

they best for and we'll talk about that

in one of our future live events we're

also going to be having evelyn cusack on

to talk about the met iron app as well

and how that can

be be of help

in terms of

accessibility as well so we'll

talk to evelyn cusack about that in one

of our future live events as well if you

want to stay up to date with what's

happening on our live events as well as

plenty more you can subscribe to our

newsletter as well on our website or you

can email us at labs at

if you'd like to do that a lot of things

that we talk about uh even the tech news

today if you want to kind of read a

little bit more about that as well

that's been included in the

the technology newsletter i think that

was last week's

newsletter was it jp i think there was

some information about that

checking and sending an email where she

was featured in last uh last friday

that's it so if you want to read a bit

more about that please do

access the the newsletter you can sign

up for the newsletter there

so all that's left for me to do is to

thank our guests today stephen howell

from microsoft and joe lonergan of

course and uh of course thanks to to

everyone listening in as well i'm from

jp daniel and myself goodbye for now and

we look forward to having you all back

with us soon for another ncbi labs live


thank you
