Hello C.S. Dorsey
Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
Hello C.S. Dorsey
Ep 185: Finding purpose in business with Magda Schappert
In this episode of the Hello, C.S. Dorsey podcast, I chat with Magda, co-founder of Moolah, an investing platform designed for beginners. Magda opens up about the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial journey, stressing the need for perseverance, a focus on the positives, and truly pursuing one's purpose.
We dive into the dangers of comparing ourselves to others and how important it is to stay true to our own paths. Magda also shares actionable advice for women in business and discusses Moolah's upcoming 30-day financial challenge, aimed at helping people take control of their finances.
It's a candid conversation about what it really takes to be an entrepreneur and the mindset needed for success.
00:13 About Moolah: The Investing Platform
00:51 The Entrepreneurial Journey: Highs and Lows
02:47 Finding Purpose and Overcoming Challenges
04:50 Personal Stories and Moments of Realization
07:06 Actionable Advice for Women in Business
Where to find Magda:
Website: www.Moo.la
Instagram: instagram.com/moola_copilot/
Facebook: facebook.com/MoolaCopilot/
Follow Me on Instagram: @csdorsey_hello
Listen on Apple Podcast | iHeart Radio
Welcome back to another episode of the Hello, C. S. Dorsey podcast. I have Magda from Moolah. How are you doing today? I'm doing great. Thank you for having me today. Yay, I'm so excited. So tell everyone who you are and what you do. Yes, my name is Magda and my husband and I we created and we are running and operating Mula. Mula is an investing platform for people who know absolutely nothing about investing. So anybody that wants to start a business, they want to, they are. Tired of living paycheck to paycheck. And they have more days at the end of the month than, than money in the bank. That's Moodle for you. Oh, awesome. And I did see you guys website and I love the interface of it. It is beautiful. It's gorgeous. So hats off to you. That's a really nice platform. Yeah. So let's talk about the inspiration behind you starting your business. What was that like for you? Absolutely. It's a journey. Everybody talks about the success and everybody talks about the cool, high moments. Nobody wants to talk about the moments of late nights that you are tired, you are hungry and you come home and dishes are not done. There is a pile of laundry and you just want to cry. And cause you just want to get in bed and you are tired and you have a list of to do's that need to get done. So the life of an entrepreneur, it is so rewarding, but it's not easy. Everybody talks about how much freedom they get and how they own their own schedule. And that is correct. Once you pass a certain level. There are days that you love that you just want to go spend a Friday with the kids and you don't have to call in sick at work or you don't have to give explanations to anybody. You just wake up and grab the kids and go enjoy your day at the park. Other days different story. Payroll is due and you can't meet payroll. So all these ups and down, but at the end of the journey it just so rewarding. I love that you mentioned that because that is not talked about a lot in the online space. Like, all we hear are the, the success stories and how I made 100k and I'm like, well, what's the story behind that? I know it's possible, but what is, what was your journey? Like, we need to start talking about that. It's not pretty. And I'm starting to realize that, but I knew before I was going into, I said, this is going to be for sure. And as you ready, I'm like, and I'm crying almost every other day, but, but I love it. I love it so much. And I'm so I'm happy that you touched on that. Yes, absolutely. And the most important thing is get rid of your excuses. We are all going to find excuses for anything and stop focusing on the negative. There are always, no matter what the situation is, there is always something positive. Focus on the positive, no matter what, no matter how late at night, no matter how tired you are, no matter how low your bank account is, you are still healthy. You are breathing and you are, you know, looking at your bank account from either your iPhone or your computer. You know, millions of millions of people that can ever afford, they will never have a smartphone. They will never have online banking. And where are the small wins that you can grab, that you can focus on? Sometimes you just need a break. Sometimes you just need to have, you know, that moment with yourself to find out where, what's the truth. Where are you financially, emotionally what do you want in life? Are you in the right path? Is that what you want to do? Are you doing it because you are just comparing yourself with all these people and it looks so pretty on social media? And look at me, I am a mess. I am driving this beat up car, messy it's falling apart and I cannot meet payments. But my friend, she just got a brand new SUV. Oh, it's looking great. Stop comparing yourself because You don't know at what cost the other person is, is enjoying what you are seeing on social media. That's the truth. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Very well said. In, in, you know, in finances, in marriage, in business, in every, in every aspect of life. That is so true. I'm so happy we're having this conversation. It is perfect and it's timely. It definitely is. So can you remember a time in your business or in your life where you had a hello moment? Yes, I'm going to go personally if you let me. I am a stepmother of two beautiful kids, and my oh oh moment or my hello moment was, um, we were broke. I was, I was a stepmother of these two children that I, I loved, but we had so many challenges and, and I didn't know if that was the path I wanted to take. My now husband and I were starting in business trying to figure things out. Bank accounts were low, I remember I was buying diapers for my stepson from a savings account that I was able to build when I was still in college. And you know, you have these moments of, what am I doing? Am I really here because I need to be a light to these kids? Am I here because I truly love this person? Or, or why? Hello, wake up. Are you in your right path? Are you pursuing your purpose? And you really need to have these moments with yourself and saying, Why am I here? On this earth at this time, what's my purpose? I am not here to take space on earth and consume water and breathe air and then do nothing. If we, all of us have a purpose and we need to make sure When we leave this place that we left it better than we found it. The world promises all these amazing things and can never fulfill. And you need to find your purpose. And when you find it, No matter how much money is in the bank account, if you are on your purpose, you're going to be happy. You are going to be fulfilled. You are feeling and walking in your calling in life. I love that so much. Oh, beautiful. Well said. I love it. I love it. So let's talk about actionable advice for women in business. Can you talk more about that? Yes. Wow. If you. So I am a believer and and my Bible reads that we are meant to be led. You know, we are led by God and the world tells us. We have to be driven and there is a big difference between driving and being led. When we go in the matters of this world and we just want to be driven and driven and driven, you are going to burn out. You're going to run on your own strength. You are going to get tired. You are going to start feeling stress living a life of limits. Your bank account is not going to look how you anticipated, how you expect it to look. And you are just going to burn out basically. And when you run on empty, you can not give to others. You are empty. You are dry. You are actually going to suck the energy from the people around yourself instead of you building others. So my advice is be led. Don't don't run on your own strength because you're going to get burned out and you are going to be a burden to others. Oh, I love it so much because I know when that happens to me, I get cranky pants and then I want to lash out at my mom. I'm like, ehhhh. Because I'm like, I feel like, or it looks like, things are not working and it's frustrating. And I'm trying to, I don't want her to like, pay everything by herself even though I'm paying like, You know, the bulk of the house bills and everything, but it's just that constant reminder in the back of my head. Like I need to be getting income coming in. I don't want her to be, you know, kind of like suffering and doing all the, getting the grocery money and everything. So when. You get in there and then you start things aren't working and you frustrated and then you start to lash out on the people that you love that you know that you live in a house with and that is so true and i'm really happy that you mentioned that like i'm definitely driving and i'm crashing but yeah i'm not being i'm not being led i'm not letting absolutely i'm not letting the lord lead Absolutely. Yeah. And it's a, it's a tough place. It's a tough spot to be when we want to take the lead. We end up repenting. Yes. I remember it is so funny. I remember a couple of days ago, I woke up and I literally got out the bed. And rather than saying, thank you, Lord, for another day, I said, I'm so frustrated. I got off the bed. I was like, I'm so frustrated. Why isn't anything working? And I told my mom, man, my mama said. You literally got out the bed, instead of saying thank you Lord for another day, you say you're frustrated, I say yeah, because that's how I was feeling. I would say, oh my God, you know. You know what, I believe that it's not okay to complain, but as long as you pray, then it's okay to complain. Yeah. Right, but complain to God, don't complain to people that they can't do anything about it. Exactly. Exactly. That is so true. That's so true. Cause it's like, you want to be, I don't want to say you want to be, you want to be perfect in his eyes. You know, you want to be perfect. You want to make sure you do everything that he says to do. And you have this facade of, you know, I have to be this way for him, you know? And the thing of it is, is like, you don't want to go to him and tell him, Oh, you're messy. Like you are a mess because you feel like he's going to be disappointed in you. You know, that's sometimes how I feel. And I don't want to go off the rails and get it into a deep, but sometimes I feel like I, I'm, I, he's disappointed in me. I'm like, Candace, no, he's your father. Like, yes, go to him and say, you know, yes. And Ken, honestly before you even do it, he already knows it. Yeah. So, Because sometimes, sometimes we feel that, Oh, I fell short. I'm such a bad person. I'm such a sinner. I'm not going to, I'm going to hide. This is exactly what, what the enemy wants to, to be remain hidden and not exposing the truth. And honestly we think, Oh, if I keep it quiet, nobody will ever know. He already knows. That's true. That is so true. Oh, my goodness. So any last minute advice you have for our listeners out there? Absolutely. Pursue your dreams no matter what. We live in a great, great season. We, we can accomplish whatever we put our minds to. As long as you get rid of your excuses and your attitude, your your actions truly match who you really believe you are, who you really want to become, you cannot believe, or you don't want. You know, you cannot want to be this, you know, a millionaire, but asleep until noon and you know, don't even shower because and you, by the way, you're calling sick at work several times a week that, that doesn't work this way. If you keep doing what you have done, you are going to get exactly what you got. If you want change, you need to be the first one. Changing things. Okay. Instead of a spaying spending seven hours on your phone, can you spend a day by the way, by not to mention that this is almost a full time job. So instead of a spending seven hours on your phone, can you maybe just to spend. five hours and read a book, the other two, or spend four hours on your phone, read a book and go for a walk and take a nice shower after. Or how can you manage your time better and start making changes in your finance? You know, the new year is coming. It's a great opportunity for a reset. In Mula, we are having a 30 day in January to help people kind of get excited and get hold of their finances. If you go to moo. law, M O O dot law, you can see, you can sign up for the 30 day challenge. It's going to really, really make a difference. And in your finances, and you are going to get the understanding and the motivation perhaps you need to make the changes for the new year. It's such a great opportunity now and don't wait for tomorrow. I love that. Yes, we'll link those up in the show notes. So where can everyone find you? Yeah. So Moola co pilot, we are on every social platform. You can find us on our website, moo. la, M O O L A. And Please leave us a comment send us an email. We'd love to hear your story and, and help you reach your financial goals. Yeah, we'll add those in the show notes as well. Well, thank you so much Magda for this episode. I'm so happy that you came on and just grace us with your presence. So thank you so much. Thank you.