Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Unmasking the Abuser Episode 7 - Alone Together

Dina McMillan, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 7

In this Episode we explore more frighteningly alluring moves used by Abusers to build strong emotional bonds and gain premature commitment from their target. We discuss how they encourage targets to turn off their awareness and put those rose-colored glasses firmly in place. 

Also included is a tactic that's rarely acknowledged or discussed that fosters the growth of  destructive behaviors and attitudes in victims that can persist even after they leave the abusive relationship behind. Both of the first two tactics help the Abuser in their desire to fully isolate their romantic partner, tying her in a web of cruelty and control.

As always, not just problems, solutions. Not just discussion, exposure. These episodes lay bare the most successful tactics used by Abusers and hidden in plain sight. And we show how knowledge can be used to keep you and your loved ones safe.

This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.