Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Unmasking the Abuser Episode 9: Outrunning the Beast

May 29, 2020 Dina McMillan, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 9

Learning the tactics of manipulation used by Abusers to entice new partners is fantastic! But is that enough to keep you safe in Real Life if (or when) you're targeted by one? In this Episode we discuss strategies you can use to both accurately identify a potential Abuser and get away as quickly as possible. We even discuss how to keep from mislabeling someone as an Abuser because you defined them with too little information. 

This Episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to successfully use the knowledge shared in previous Episodes to keep themselves safe.

This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.