Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Unmasking the Abuser Episode 12 - Pretty Woman (about Female Abusers)

Dina McMillan, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 12

In this Episode, I fulfill a promise I made to my male listeners and discuss the means and methods used by female abusers when pursuing male targets. Most of their ploys and maneuvers are identical to those used by abusive males - so listening to previous Episodes is a must. But there are some differences due to gender roles and cultural norms that are highlighted here.

In the second part of this Episode, we define both positive and toxic masculinity, and confirm the reasons toxic masculinity isn't harmless - it sits squarely on the abuse continuum. As always, the emphasis is on solutions, so we talk about simple ways teen boys and men can reach their highest potential and protect themselves from declining into abusive attitudes or behaviors.

This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.