Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Unmasking the Abuser Episode 14 - Toxic Relationships

Dina McMillan, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 14

This episode continues our important discussion on troublesome relationships that aren't romantic.  They can be family, old friends, and even work relationships. Some are simply challenging others would qualify as toxic. How do you know for certain?

I'll show you in this Episode. We go through a short number of questions you can ask yourself about your relationship with anyone. Each type of question is worth a certain number of points on the toxicity scale. Then you add up the points at the end. You can determine if the other person is too negative, too selfish so you feel used, or if it's toxic and potentially putting your emotional and mental health at risk.

As always, the information is simple but not dull or childish. It's something everyone can use.

This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.