Unmasking the Abuser - The Podcast

Unmasking the Abuser Episode 15 - Strengthening Our Shield

Dina McMillan, Ph.D. Season 1 Episode 15

I believe it's incredibly valuable to expose the specific tactics used by Abusers to manipulate their targets into relationships. But this knowledge cannot work alone. Potential targets must also recognize where they're vulnerable. They have to explore where their beliefs, values, even fantasies will unwittingly encourage them to ignore the wisdom that can keep them safe.  
This Episode is crucial for anyone who wants to make sure they're not subtly walking themselves into a trap. As always, it's highly solution-focused with key methods for strengthening any fragile spots and heightening resilience.

This is the podcast series that does so much more than entertain. It's designed to help you develop your manipulation superpower. Simply and effectively, you'll learn how to spot any attempts to unfairly persuade, influence or indoctrinate you. You'll be able to identify it accurately and early. In a world of propaganda and disinformation, you can know more and do more. Have a listen.