The Cannabis Corner

The Cannabis Corner Season 2: Episode 1, Senator Cory Booker

Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum Season 2 Episode 1
Senator Cory Booker kicks off our second season, discussing his pushes of major legislation, including the Marijuana Justice Act, to end an era of injustice linked to damaging and archaic marijuana laws.New Jersey is arresting more people for cannabis than ever, according to the ACLU, and a disproportionate number are African Americans. The Senator discusses the imbalance of law as it pertains to poor people, people of color and patients seeking cannabis for relief from a slew of issues. Senator Booker says, "It’s a moral issue, it’s a racial justice issue, issue of equality and fairness for low income folks.”In Part 2 of this episode, Los Angeles attorney, Iran Hopkins, discusses Prop 54, which amongst other things, states you can have up to an ounce of cannabis on your person at all times. The new legislation also re-realizes cannabis crimes, aiming to erase felonies for non-violent cannabis arrests once a person is freed. The attorney talks CA law with us, and how confusing the laws have been throughout the years, including the current Catch-22 for those with previous criminal records for cannabis, kept from working in the industry.