The Cannabis Corner

The Cannabis Corner Season 2, Episode 10: Guests Gooey Rabinski; Plus Amanda Kloots!

Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum Season 2 Episode 10
This week cannabis writer/activist Gooey Rabinski, and fitness expert Amanda Kloots join us.Gooey is a technical writer and does compliance work for cannabis businesses. He expresses his patient advocacy via books, articles and magazines like High Times, and now: podcasts. Gooey talks about life in the industry as the tide of legality rushes in. His message to anyone who truly believes in legalization is to educate yourself and those around you. Amanda Kloots is the first athlete on The Cannabis Corner Podcast. She tells us that she applies a cannabis cream to her feet, ankles, neck and legs after 8 hour dance and aerobic classes each day. An important note is that she doesn’t use cannabis otherwise and never gets even a little high from the cream. As a former Rockette, Broadway dancer and celebrity trainer, Amanda now instructs high intensity classes she created. The Rope NYC with Amanda Kloots is an incredible full body workout - which she teaches all over the country and provides digitally for download and through YouTube. She talks about the immediate relief she finds from the cream she uses. Farmer Adam talks about using many different cannabis creams and how safe they are. Athletes of all kinds are recently opening up about cannabis use and how these infused creams work better than most remedies.