M&A STORIES - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Robert Heaton & Toby Tester

As you might expect, Robert and Toby unpack several topics in today's conversation.

We kick off by asking if inspirational leaders are good for business? Not always it seems, especially if that 'inspiration' is driven by ego or is associated with excessive risk taking. And inspirational leaders can also be of little value if they only influence a small audience.

Once we finish this topic, it's time for Toby to have a rant, M&A Integration is the enemy of innovation says Toby and boy, isn't he on target?  The core premise of Toby's rant is that there is still too much focus on cost reduction and efficiency, when real value is derived from innovating products and services and driving net new revenue growth.

And last of all, three more quotes from my former boss, Les Hayman:

  1. Instil an understanding in your people that competitiveness is external and collaboration is internal
  2.  Gender, race, religion. And sexual orientation is never business decision criteria for anything
  3. Being fair is far more important than being tough.

And that's it folks - but don't forget we are back next week with more M&A Stories.

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