
R048: Halfway There with Eric Nevins

June 05, 2019 Tracy Winchell / Eric Nevins Season 1 Episode 48

My friend Eric has experienced some serious career reboots.

Eric is a minister turned financial services professional turned podcaster.

When Eric realized he’s more comfortable listening and facilitating than teaching or preaching his life and career began to take shape.

In this episode, Eric and I talk about:
* The difference between being a heart human and a head human
* How God was training Jeremiah to see
* The Critical Journey of how most of us experience spiritual growth
Eric is one of my favorite interviewers, so it was fun to get to ask him questions.

Meet the Reboots Sound Genius
Mikhail Kosenkov has beautifully edited, mastered, and engineered this episode.

If you’re a podcaster and you don’t have a sound genius, trust me. You need one. Even if it’s to help you sort out your compression and EQ settings.

He’ll be glad to talk to you about your sound questions.

Are you paralyzed by the lies inside your head?
> > > Here's one tool I use to help me tell myself the truth about myself and the world around me. < < <