
R056: Black and White with Reverend Vince Brown

Tracy Winchell / Rev. Vince Brown Season 1 Episode 56

The Reverend Vincent Brown spends his days corralling teens and staff members offering adventure therapy at a therapeutic boarding school in Mars Hill, North Carolina.

As the chaplain and program director, Vince sees kids on their worst days - and he gets to celebrate with them during their best moments.

In this episode, Vince and I talk about:

  • What it was like growing up with a dad in the United States Navy and how life changed for Vince when the family moved from San Diego to Memphis.
  • Why it’s difficult for white people to understand the concept of white privilege and black lives matter.
  • How learning to give the gift of grace can help heal our nation from racial injustice.

I’m grateful for Vince’s time, his story, his great humor, and his grace.

It was a privilege to have met him and his lovely wife, Dana this summer - and to know they are part of my Forever Family.

Vince invites you to reach out to him and Dana via Facebook.

Join us for a 4-week gratitude challenge - November 2019.