
R007: Popcorn Motivation - Casey Millspaugh

Tracy Winchell / Casey Millspaugh

Casey Millspaugh is a millennial entrepreneur. He’s got a full-time gig and a fistful of side hustles working most of the time. He sees his latest enterprise - Fort Smith Popcorn Company - as an example of an economic reboot he envisions for the Fort Smith, Arkansas region and for the community’s downtown.

Casey’s business resides in a former bakery in Downtown Fort Smith.

In this interview, Casey dives into analysis and forecasting, cash flow, and he makes a compelling pitch for “Why Fort Smith?”

Even if you’re not a numbers person, you’ll love Casey’s drive, and his laid back approach to hustle.

This episode of Reboots is sponsored by:

Fort Smith Popcorn Company
Fort Smith Popcorn Company on Facebook
Fort Smith Popcorn Company iOS app
