
R040: Walking Across the Room with Cheryl Luke

Tracy Winchell / Cheryl Luke Episode 40

Cheryl Luke is a minister who was thrust into the 12 steps of Celebrate Recovery as a function of her job.

Much to her surprise, she learned through the process of working the steps that she was - in her words - “utterly broken.”

Cheryl and I totally nerded out on the 12 steps and journaling, but we also talked about the cultural diversity in the Kingdom of God.

We discussed race in America - and why people like me often fail to understand the harsh realities that people of color must contend with every single day.

The simple act of walking across a room might be one of the most powerful contributions we make in the service of the Kingdom.

Check out the show notes here.

Meet the Reboots Sound Genius

Mikhail Kosenkov has beautifully edited, mastered, and engineered this episode.

If you’re a podcaster and you don’t have a sound genius, trust me. You need one. Even if it’s to help you sort out your compression and EQ settings.

He’ll be glad to talk to you about your sound questions.