Shit You Don't Learn in School

39. 80/20 Habits, Beliefs, and Products

October 14, 2021 Calvin Rosser & Steph Smith Season 2

The information age gives us access to so much advice that it can be hard to see through the noise.

4AM morning routines that don't make sense for you. Productivity hacks that hardly move the needle. Hindsight bias cloaked as success stories.

Most advice is well-intentioned, but rarely translates to improvements in another person's life. So this week, Cal and Steph took a step back to ask the simple question: what are the 80/20 habits, beliefs, and products that had an outsized impact in changing their lives.

While many of their answers aren't revolutionary, they're universal and can be adopted by anyone.

If you find yourself looking for an 80/20 episode that cuts through the noise, this one is for you.