Release Your Roar

A reassuring guide to the Divorce process.

February 23, 2022 Karl Beckett

How to understand and navigate your way through the divorce process with Emily Finn and Chris Longbottom of Clarke Willmott.

1.  Are people giving up too early in a marriage and have we seen increases since Covid? When do people consider Divorce as an option? 2 mins 02 secs

2.  What are the new legal changes impacting Divorce on the 6th April and how will they help the process? 5 mins 45 secs

3.  Whan seeking advice, what are the qualities someone should be looking for in selecting their lawyer adviser and when should they get them involved? 11 mins 45 secs

4.  How can parties maintain good communication, especially when children are involved? Any further advice around the welfare of children in the process? 14 mins 35 secs

5.  When is mediation considered an option? How do you find a mediator? 19 mins 27 secs

6.  What tips can you give for negotiating on assets, belongings and also when business shareholdings are involved in family businesses? 21 mins 10 secs

7.  How long does the divorce process usually take? 23 mins 48 secs

8.  How much does the process cost and any tips on managing costs?  27 mins 25 secs
9.  Pre-nuptials can be a difficult conversation with partners before marriage. What part do they play in aiding the divorce process? 31 mins 53 secs 

10.  After the process is concluded what one advice would you give someone?  37 mins 30 secs

End -  41 mins 14 secs