Release Your Roar

Conflict or Harmony in the Boardroom

Karl Beckett Season 1 Episode 1

How to manage conflict and create harmony in the boardroom.

Nancy Radford mediator and trainer who specialises in conflict management, joins me to discuss how we manage conflict to create harmony with relationships at a senior level in the board room.  Duration approx 39 mins.


1.  Intro 

2.  What is the impact of tensions/differences in the boardroom -
      (1 min 40 secs)

3.  What factors can make things worse in causing a break down in the relationship? 
       (3 mins 48 secs)

4.  How can we repair the situation 
       (9 mins 30 secs)

      - DIY or professional help 
        (9 mins 50 secs)

     - Reality versus Perspective. How can we avoid assuming people's positions 
        (14 mins 33 secs)

     - Venting our frustrations - any tips here 
        (21 mins 20 secs)

     - Finding the common ground when we are poles apart 
         (25 mins 40 secs)

     - How can we rebuild trust and forgive others 
         (29 mins 20 secs)

   5. Good communication despite our differences 
          (35 mins 20 secs)