Release Your Roar

marketing strategy

Karl Beckett

Interview with Grant Leboff on marketing strategy:                            41 mins 24 secs.

  • 3 questions to ask your marketing team  - 1 min 06 sec
  • 1 question to ask your core customer base - 4 mins 45 secs
  • Invest or cut your marketing budget at this time - 7 mins 50 secs
  • Where should marketing sit in the organisation - 11 mins 38 secs
  • Resources; skill set of a marketing strategist - 17 mins 28 secs 
  • What data  can we use to know our strategy is working - 23 mins 40 secs
  • Short term wins or long term gain -  28 mins 42 secs
  • Artificial Intelligence and future tools - 36 mins  43 secs
  • End - 41 mins 24 secs