Turn Write

5 Things I Learned From Getting Professional Feedback on my Novel & How That Can Help You Too

Kaitlin Greco Season 1 Episode 82

“It takes stamina and grit to withstand the anguish and degradation of rejection. But also, it takes some conviction that your writing matters and that one day, somehow you will find your reader, and your reader will find you.” -Marcia DeSanctis 

In this episode, I discuss what I learned from getting my story professionally critiqued. I share specific examples of what I learned so that you can take away the advice too. 

1) Incorrectly formatting the manuscript (Even minor things) can create issues that agents will not look past. Limit your white space in the submission. 
2) All three judges thought my topic was catchy and marketable. This was in direct contrast to what another editor told me. Always get multiple streams of feedback before giving up on an idea.
3) I received mixed feedback on my character. I think the roots of my character are strong, but I need to disclose more backstory and ensure the character is consistent in all scenes. 
4) I can't lose description in favor of plot and pacing. Don't forget to include figurative language even in commercial fiction. 
5) The experience was really encouraging. I received both positive and constructive feedback. I am going to do my best to implement everything I learned going forward. I highly recommend getting your story critiqued by professionals. 

I created the Turn Write Podcast for beginning writers, indie authors, for people who are looking for their voice and who want to know how to use it. The idea for this bite-sized podcast came to me as I sat in endless traffic commuting an hour each way to and from my 9-5 job, wondering why do I write? Why do I rush home every day with the agonizing hope of trying to string together meaningless words to create a feeling deeper than I could dare hope to describe? Well, day after day I kept thinking and there was only one answer: I loved to write. I am on a journey to becoming a published author, and I want to help you get there too.

Read my novel The Sweep: https://www.amazon.com/Sweep-Kaitlin-Greco/dp/1702161706/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=the+sweep+kaitlin+greco&qid=1577982814&sr=8-1#mediaMatrix_secondary_view_div_1579103732446

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/KGrecoLIT
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm9NohirDBeTym6K-70RDow

Blog: https://notkeepingupwithkait.wordpress.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/@kaitlinagreco



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