Cannabis Voices

Dr Max Alzamora - Medical Cannabis in Peru

September 02, 2020 Dr Max Alzamora Episode 17

Dr Max Alzamora, a physician of over ten years with a background in functional medicine and occupational health, has been prescribing medical cannabis since 2017.

Dr Alzamora now runs CannaHope, a busy private practice specialising in treating patients with cannabinoid, is Medical Director at Cann Farm, Advisory Doctor at the NGO Gotas de Esperanza, and Board Member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians Colombian chapter.

I came across Dr Alzamora in a presentation he gave at a Society of Cannabis Clinicians' webinar in which he discussed the case of Glendy, a 16-year-old girl who had been having 10 seizures a day, despite all the pharmaceutical anti-seizure meds she was taking.

After trying various CBD oils, Glendy found most relief from her seizures when Dr Alzamora prescribed her a cannabis oil containing CBDA (she now only has 10 seizures a year).

At the time, I was researching an article for Project CBD about CBDA, so I took the opportunity to interview Dr Alzamora about Glendy's case history and his use of acidic cannabinoids, as well as his experience in general of treating patients with medical cannabis in Peru.

It was a real pleasure to hear just what strides Peru and Latin America are making in integrating medical cannabis into their health systems, where doctors like Dr Alzamora have comparative freedom to think outside of the box when treating patients with cannabinoids.

Gotas de Esperanza
CBDA - The Raw Story (Project CBD)
Dr Alzamora's LinkedIn Profile


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