Cannabis Voices

Tannine Montgomery - saving Indie-Rose

February 03, 2021 Tannine Montgomery Episode 27

Tannine Montgomery is one of those special breeds of super mums you only find in the medical cannabis world.

When her first child Indie-Rose developed Dravet syndrome, a rare and untreatable type of epilepsy as a baby, Tannine and her husband decided to do everything within their power to give her the best chance of a happy and healthy life.

Like most children with Dravet, pharmaceutical drugs failed to control Indie's seizures, and instead left her with a host of unpleasant side effects.

It was when Tannine saw Vera Twomey,  speak about how cannabis had helped her daughter Ava who also has Dravet syndrome, that she decided to get Indie an appointment with  pediatric neurologist in Holland so that she could legally be prescribed medicinal cannabis.

Thankfully, Indie responded well to the Bedrolite CBD rich cannabis oil, which has been so effective in countless other children with epilepsy.

However, the family couldn't afford to pay the expensive export costs to legally get her medicine back into the UK, choosing instead to travel themselves to Holland bring it back themselves.

Financing Indie's medicine has always been a struggle and is the reason Tannine has started her own CBD business Sweet Pink CBD, selling whole plant CBD products that come fully lab tested and with a personalised level of customer care that only someone like Tannine can provide.

This is a great episode for any parent or loved one of a child with Dravet Syndrome or intractable epilepsy as it would be hard to find a more knowledgeable person outside of the medical profession than Tannine.

Hers is very much a story of tenacity and determination triumphing over tragedy.

For more information about Sweet Pink and Indie Rose, head to the Sweet Pink website or Instagram

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