Léargas: A Podcast by Gerry Adams

Boris is a Chancer | Nor Meekly Serve my time | The biggest Cuban Flag in the World

June 20, 2021 Gerry Adams

Boris is a Chancer:
Last week was not a good week for Boris Johnson. Even before the weekend’s G7 summit began in Cornwall the news agenda was already dominated by reports that the US government had issued a démarche to the British in advance of President Biden’s arrival.

I must admit I had never heard of a démarche. During my years of negotiations with the Irish, British, US and other governments it was not a piece of diplomatic speak I had ever come across. 

Nor Meekly Serve my time: 
They were real, they were young, they were full of life. They were like anyone else. They were like you. The prison robbed them of their lives; we should never compound that by only recalling their deaths. The accounts from their friends and comrades that you are about to read, breathe life into them and make them real. You will enter their world and form an impression of them. You will get to know them a little.