A Spanner in the Works

Meet Foodbank's Chief Operating Officer John Robertson on politics, media and what it takes to run a sustainable charity

Andreas Spanner

John might not run out of burning buildings like Bruce Willis but his profile and mission is similar to ex-cop John McClane: ex-politician, current COO and future CEO of Foodbank NSW & ACT. Foodbank's and John's mission is to help people get access to nutritious food with dignity, to provide breakfast to kids so that they can focus on studying and to create positive vibes around schools. Learn from John how Foodbank manages to run a sustainable low carbon footprint charity even though the transport bill alone is already $1.4M. John talks about what drives him to convert a surprise chain into a supply chain and how Foodbank handled the fact that most of the corporate volunteering has dried up because of COVID.
Support John and become a Hunger Fighter today https://www.foodbank.org.au/NSW-ACT/hunger-fighters/?state=nsw-act