Sunday Mornings at Cool Spring

HI, GOD! (1 of 3): Reverence - A Key to Prayer, Part 1 (Dr. Brad Hoffmann)

Cool Spring Baptist Church Season 2020

Hi, God is about the conversation between the believer and God. We will look at the heart and the practice of the one praying. How do we view God? When do we pray? What do we seek when we pray?  These are all simple questions with complicated answers. The goal is to address each question to foster greater intimacy in the believer's prayer life. 

This weekend, I'm sharing about one of the essential aspects of prayer, which is reverence. Malachi informs us, "Then those who feared the Lord spoke with one another. The Lord paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed his name." There's a unique relationship between reverence and hearing. I'm going to unpack this principle.