The Painkiller Podcast

#13 Shadows Burning by William Dobson - performed by Chris Lew Kum Hoi

Bitter Pill Theatre Season 1 Episode 13

"A kill’s a kill. Death comes as a thief in the night, wearing only socks. Or a waiter slipping poison into the groom’s champagne. I don’t choose my hits. Some do, but I think that’s a recipe for discrimination."

When an assassin is tasked with a statement kill, he plans the job in his usual way. However, upon meeting his mark he realises things are not going to be as straightforward as he thought. 

SHADOWS BURNING stars Chris Lew Kum Hoi as Daisuke. It was written by William Dobson and directed by Max Elton, with sound design from Max Pappenheim. It is available now on The Painkiller Podcast.

The Painkiller Project has received a National Lottery Funded Project Grant from Arts Council England. 

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