The Gentleman's Romantic Book Nook

Bear | The Clawclusion

May 22, 2020 Mack Mani & Lucky Season 1 Episode 4

A cacophony of drama swirls around the final pages of BEAR by Marian Engel, including shocking revelations, a new romance, and a scandalous surprise. Will the boys be able to unpack these decadent twists and turns in just one episode? Yes! And much more!

*Editor's Note: We had a little trouble with Mack's mic in what will be now known as "Antmageddon." There's a little feedback and echo, but the goofs are as good, nay, BETTER than ever!

*Mack's Note: The ants got what they had coming to them. 

Music: Echo Sclavi by The Mini Vandals