Coffee in Space

89. Anne Corlett: The Author's Toolbox

S. Daniel Smith

Anne and I have been friends for a few years now and I'm so grateful to have met her. Through her Wifi-Scifi events, the Wifi-Scifi writers group she hosts, and one on one mentorship, my writing went from a mess of conflicting POVs, flat characters and uninteresting dialog, to a request for a writing sample from a literary agent. Anne's mentorship took me from ground zero and built my confidence to where I'm certain that I'll be a traditionally published author soon.

Which is why I'm so high on her Author's Toolbox (Link HERE). You're not going to find a better introductory price on such a great course. I could say more, but the simple fact is, Anne's mentorship works. I'm living, breathing proof of it. And so are many of my friends who have leant me their testimonials in this episode.

So check out The Author's Toolbox and then contact Anne through her website or on Twitter. And when you've finished listening to this episode, I hope you'll subscribe so you can listen to other great authors talk about their books and writing process. 

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